1. The Association to be called The Staffordshire Veteran Ladies Golf Association.
2. Conditions of membership:
(i) To have attained the age of 50 years
(ii) To be a member of a recognised Staffordshire Golf Club and to hold a CONGU Handicap.
(iii) New members to have a handicap index of 28.4 or below
When a lady fulfils all of the three criteria above she shall be eligible to join the Association at any time during the year
(iv) Current or previous members may become Associate (non-playing) members of the association at any time, paying a reduced fee.
It is suggested that any playing member who may need to take some time out of golf, eg. medical reasons, becomes an associate member to hold their place in the association, otherwise they would need to fulfil the criteria above, to re-join, in the event of any break in the period of membership.
3. The Management of the Association shall be invested in a Committee consisting of: President; Captain; Vice-Captain; Past Captain; Secretary; Treasurer, Competitions Secretary, Fixtures Secretary and no more than six other members. Five to form a quorum.
4 (a)The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and Fixtures Secretary
(b)The Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and Fixtures Secretary should serve a maximum of five years. The President to hold office for not more than two years. The Captain to hold office for one year only.
No more than one member from any one club may be an officer of the Association at the same time.
The Captain and the Vice Captain may not be from the same club.
(c) Two members of the Committee shall retire annually by rotation and shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year. No member to serve for more than 3 consecutive years, unless no other members come forward to replace them. Retiring Captain to remain on Committee for one year.
5. The election of members of Committee shall take place in the following manner:
Any two members of the Association shall be at liberty to nominate a member to serve on the committee, having previously obtained the consent of such member.
The name of the member so nominated shall be sent in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
A maximum of 3 members from any one club may serve on the committee. This may be an officer and 2 committee members, or 3 committee members, but not 2 officers.
6. A member can be a member of more than one vets association if they are a member of more than one club, each in different counties. However, they must nominate which county they will represent in vets matches at the start of each season, and can only represent one county in matches.
The individual is, however, eligible to take part in the vets competitions within each county.
7. The Annual General Meeting to be held in November each year at which officers and the committee for the ensuing year shall be elected and the ordinary business of the Association transacted.
8. Annual subscription to be fixed by the Committee each year - due January 1st .
9. Any member who fails to pay her subscription and renew her membership each year shall be required to re-apply for Association membership.
10. The financial year shall end on 30th September each year.
11. The committee shall have power to make or amend, from time to time, any rule as it may deem necessary for the wellbeing of the Association, to have effect until the next Annual General Meeting which shall revoke or confirm the action taken by the Committee. No rule shall be made and no existing rule permanently changed or repealed except by two-thirds majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting.
12. Any member wishing to put forward a resolution must give notice in writing to the Secretary one calendar month prior to the Annual General Meeting, and must have such proposition seconded by another member of the Association from another club.
13. Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association shall be held by discretion of the Committee, or on a written request to the Secretary, signed by not less than six members, from different clubs. Such requests shall state the purpose for which the meeting is to be held and at such meeting no matter shall be taken into consideration except those specified in the notice convening the same. Such Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held within one calendar month after receipt by the Secretary of such request. The Secretary shall send to every member notice of the date, place, and object of such Extraordinary General Meeting not less than seven days before the date of the meeting.
1. Current information
All golfers who pay a subscription to the SVLGA are members of the SLCGA and, as such, we abide by the rules of the County Association. Please see the SLCGA Privacy Policy on this website.
In addition, the following may be of interest to you.
2. What information do we collect about you?
When you become a member of the SVLGA we only collect the details required to be able to contact you with information relating to our activities. We do not release your data to other parties.
This information includes your email address, telephone numbers, cdh and handicap information.
3. Individual Rights
You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy please email the Secretary, svlga2020@gmail.com
We wish to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You have the right to ask us to correct or, erase information that you believe to be inaccurate.
You have the right to request that any data about yourself is removed from our files.
4. Exceptions to the above.
Personal details would only be released to assist the emergency services if a member became unwell whilst engaged in a SVLGA competition or match.
How to contact us.
If you need further information or have any queries, please email the Secretary svlga2020@gmail.com
1. The Association to be called The Staffordshire Veteran Ladies Golf Association.
2. Conditions of membership:
(i) To have attained the age of 50 years
(ii) To be a member of a recognised Staffordshire Golf Club and to hold a CONGU Handicap.
(iii) New members to have a handicap index of 28.4 or below
When a lady fulfils all of the three criteria above she shall be eligible to join the Association at any time during the year
(iv) Current or previous members may become Associate (non-playing) members of the association at any time, paying a reduced fee.
It is suggested that any playing member who may need to take some time out of golf, eg. medical reasons, becomes an associate member to hold their place in the association, otherwise they would need to fulfil the criteria above, to re-join, in the event of any break in the period of membership.
3. The Management of the Association shall be invested in a Committee consisting of: President; Captain; Vice-Captain; Past Captain; Secretary; Treasurer, Competitions Secretary, Fixtures Secretary and no more than six other members. Five to form a quorum.
4 (a)The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and Fixtures Secretary
(b)The Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and Fixtures Secretary should serve a maximum of five years. The President to hold office for not more than two years. The Captain to hold office for one year only.
No more than one member from any one club may be an officer of the Association at the same time.
The Captain and the Vice Captain may not be from the same club.
(c) Two members of the Committee shall retire annually by rotation and shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year. No member to serve for more than 3 consecutive years, unless no other members come forward to replace them. Retiring Captain to remain on Committee for one year.
5. The election of members of Committee shall take place in the following manner:
Any two members of the Association shall be at liberty to nominate a member to serve on the committee, having previously obtained the consent of such member.
The name of the member so nominated shall be sent in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
A maximum of 2 members from any one club may serve on the committee. This may be an officer and a committee member, or 2 committee members, but not 2 officers.
6. A member can be a member of more than one vets association if they are a member of more than one club, each in different counties. However, they must nominate which county they will represent in vets matches at the start of each season, and can only represent one county in matches.
The individual is, however, eligible to take part in the vets competitions within each county.
7. The Annual General Meeting to be held in November each year at which officers and the committee for the ensuing year shall be elected and the ordinary business of the Association transacted.
8. Annual subscription to be fixed by the Committee each year - due January 1st .
9. Any member who fails to pay her subscription and renew her membership each year shall be required to re-apply for Association membership.
10. The financial year shall end on 30th September each year.
11. The committee shall have power to make or amend, from time to time, any rule as it may deem necessary for the wellbeing of the Association, to have effect until the next Annual General Meeting which shall revoke or confirm the action taken by the Committee. No rule shall be made and no existing rule permanently changed or repealed except by two-thirds majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting.
12. Any member wishing to put forward a resolution must give notice in writing to the Secretary one calendar month prior to the Annual General Meeting, and must have such proposition seconded by another member of the Association from another club.
13. Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association shall be held by discretion of the Committee, or on a written request to the Secretary, signed by not less than six members, from different clubs. Such requests shall state the purpose for which the meeting is to be held and at such meeting no matter shall be taken into consideration except those specified in the notice convening the same. Such Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held within one calendar month after receipt by the Secretary of such request. The Secretary shall send to every member notice of the date, place, and object of such Extraordinary General Meeting not less than seven days before the date of the meeting.