

Drayton Park Golf Club Lichfield Golf & Country Club Penn Golf Club Branston Golf & Country Club South Staffordshire Golf Club Great Barr Golf Club Barlaston Golf Club Sandwell Park Golf Club Trentham Park Golf Club Walsall Golf Club Handsworth Golf Club Oxley Park Golf Club Beau Desert Golf Club Brocton Hall Golf Club Ingestre Park Golf Club Westwood Golf Club Enville Golf Club Leek Golf Club Stone Golf Club Newcastle Golf Club The Manor Golf Club Whittington Heath Golf Club Greenway Hall Golf Club Little Aston Golf Club Trentham Golf Club
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Captains Day - 25th July at Whittington Heath

What a great turnout (138 of our Vets) to support out Captain Jayne for her Captains Day at Whittington Heath.  It certainly was a full field, and very well supported by the Whittington Ladies helping on the desk, the starters, and at the half way house, where the competitors were were greeted by friendly faces, serving a delicious selections of Gin and Tonic, Pimms, or Teas and coffees and cakes.  I did hear that the Gin helped and some came in with better scores on the back 9....

Unfortunately the full results are not on the website tonight (computer glitch), but will be over the weekend. 

There were some great scores in though, Congratulations to the winners

1st  Helen Jessop,  Margaret Paling,  Tina Bond  (The Manor)   87 points.

2nd Sue Spencer,  Sally Sketcher,  Bev Chattaway (Whittington Heath)  82 points. On countback

3rd Mary Ratcliffe, Helen Stevenson (Leek Westwood) Rose Mycock (Trentham Park) 82 points. 

4th Karan Wood, Val Orme, Judith Lundie (Lichfield) 81 points. 

Best Front 9  Desley Smith,  Pam Greenfield,  Jill Doyle (Branston) 42 points.

Best Back 9   Sue Butler, Lin Toft, Lauren Pitcher (Uttoxeter)  44 points. 

Nearest the Pin (7th Hole)  Jenny Lewis (Whittington)  182 cm

Putting Challenge - Holed in 1 Sheila Herring (Drayton Park)

Nearest the Wiggly line (18th hole) Ann Keighley (Aston Wood) 1.5 cm

Well done everyone. 


Staffs triumphant in Tri-Counties match retaining Morgan Trophy 

SVLGA 2nd Team Match against Warwickshire 8th July 2024

Walsall golf club were fine hosts for our match against Warwickshire on Monday the 8th July. The sun decided to make an appearance as we all teed off up the first hole and thankfully stayed with us until we all completed our games. What a lovely surprise to find the Walsall ladies had made some gorgeous cakes to keep us going at the half-way house. They certainly spurred us to get the job done.

It all went down to the last match to secure our win 5-3 and for us to retain the Morgan Trophy for the tri-counties competition, making it 3 consecutive years winning.

Huge thanks to my ladies and to my super subs stepping in at the last minute, I truly appreciate your support.

  Well done Team Staffordshire

Vets Championship Tues 24th June at Druids Heath

Well done to all 58 players who took part in this years Championship. The results are now available on Staffsladiesgolf website. 

Congratulations to Bev Chattaway (Whittington Heath) Champion with Gross 82 and to Karen Hill (Bloxwich) Nett Champion Nett 69

Congratulations also to Di Gillen who won the Doreen Banks Salver, with a gross 89.

2nd team match V Worcestershire at Droitwich Fri 21st June

Our match against Worcestershire took place at Droitwich Golf club on Friday 21 st June. What a glorious day, the sun shone on what was the longest day of the year, in more ways than one!

I was told first tee times were 10.30 so arrived nice and early to sort handicaps and cards only to find I had a two hour wait as first tee time was 11am. Looking our down the first fairway I realised I had played here before in my very first match for the Vets a few years previous.

The course was in excellent condition and the greens were super slick, but this did not deter our ladies, they came up trumps with a 4 ½ to 3 ½ win. I felt for those who had push trollies as the course was very hilly with amazing views across to the Malverns and Welsh boarder.  

Thank you to all my ladies who played, it was quite a trek from some. Many thanks to Droitwich for hosting us and to our opposi

tion who were lovely, it was a very close match. Huge thanks to my two ladies from Worcestershire who looked after me as I was player down on the day. 

Carol Alford

Staffs success at Staverton Park - MSWGA AM/AM Fri 14th June 2024

Staffordshire made their mark at the MSWGA AM/AM at Staverton when the team of Liz Merryman, Jill Tranter, Ann Meadows and Nicky Whitton won the event with 83 points. Runners-up were also a Staffs team made up of Mandy Patterson, Deb Purcell, Gillian Douce and Nicky Dyke, who were just pipped, finishing on 82 points. Well done girls.

Captain’s Match Report – Snelson Trophy – Weds 12 th June 2024 – Wolstanton G.C.

Arriving at Wolstanton Golf Club I was both pleasantly surprised and thankful that the weather forecast had correctly predicted no rain. The whole country was indeed totally fed up with both the cold conditions and predominately wet days, talk about ‘Flaming June’ so far it has been a dreary damp squib! However that has not affected the cheery disposition of our Staffordshire Players. With the S.V.L.G.A flag flying high and proud over the golf course the lounge was awash with the signature blue and yellow team colours of the Staffordshire players. It was encouraging to see so many new faces that for the first time were playing their first ever county match.

Between us (Vice Captain - Liz, Past Captain – Carol and myself) we had already sorted out all of the behind the scenes hard work, which left us free to greet the players, write out the cards and collect the food monies. Talk about flak, I was berated for seemingly having the pick of players representing my Captains team, yet it had been a legitimate draw, huh!.....famous last words.

It was lovely to greet Gill Snelson, who knew a lot of the players from when she too was a Staffordshire Vet, as well as introduce her to a number of players who she hadn’t met before. The 1 st tee was reserved from 11am through to 1pm, with 48 players taking part in a three ball alliance, best two scores to count. Us Captains teed off last as we were only playing 9 holes and wanted to be back in the clubhouse to collect the scores and mentally work out where the points were headed. I soon realised it was not going to be my day, but it was a close call between the Vice and Past Captain as to whom would be victorious.

The vast majority of the ladies remarked on how much they had enjoyed the format, and what a wonderful camaraderie there was both on and off the course. The course was presented nicely, and although the greens were top dressed it didn’t spoil the days golf. After our games we enjoyed a meal of quiche, salad and new potatoes followed by either cheesecake or fruit salad, served with what I was led to believe was a no calorie ice-cream or pouring cream......ooh how I wish! Despite some of the ladies having a long wait before the last three-ball was in they kindly stopped to hear the results.

I was able prior to the prize giving to thank the club Pro – Nigel Onions for his assistance, the food and beverage team especially Steven, Sue and Anthony who had looked after us so well, and the green-keeping team too. Introducing Gill, I was able to give the ladies some background history on her achievements whilst a member and former Captain of Staffordshire together with the original formats of ‘The Snelson Trophy’

Gill thanked the committee and members for inviting her to participate in the day, despite making a two hundred mile round trip to be with us. She added that like Blackpool rock if she was cut in two she would have Staffordshire running through her insides as she still felt so passionate about the County. She awarded the trophy to the winning Team, with a combined total of 360 points and for the second year running it went to the Past Captains Team. Congratulations to Carol and her players, who beat the Vice Captain’s Team by 10 points and my team by 14 points. The obligatory photograph of the pretend throttling of the winning Captain was concluded by Carol thanking her players and us wishing everyone a safe journey home.

Change of venue for 1st team match 17th July

Please note that the venue for the match against Worcestershire on 17th July has been changed from The Vale to The Worcestershire   

Thursday 6 th June – 1 st Team Cup Match v Warwickshire @ S. Staffs G.C.

With a glorious day beckoning our President – Sue, Vice Captain – Liz, and myself welcomed both our players and Warwickshire to South Staffs golf club. It felt more like a reunion than a match as so many of us know each other from playing over the years. Having sorted the cards and discussed the arrangements with their team Captain Julie, I then took to the putting green in readiness for my 11.20 tee off.

The flag was flying high as our first players teed off, being welcomed by both Presidents our own Sue Simmons and Warwickshire’s Sue Timberlake. The weather was certainly a mixed bag to start with.....tops on, tops off dependent upon whether the sun was out or shirking behind the clouds. The course was presented superbly, and how lush the fairways and semi -rough were, let alone the thick grassy rough (not that I found out fortunately). The greens proved to be very tricky with subtle borrows and undulations, and run off slopes to punish the adventurous. It certainly was three putting territory.

Playing with Tracy Klek, we dove tailed nicely and though very close, we were 1-up on the turn. Tracy’s miraculous eagle on the 16 th put us two up, and as we comfortably remarked that neither we nor our two lovely opponents Carol O’Hara and Anne Wardle had scored any birdies, it was absurd to have an eagle. Alas our remark turned out to be short lived.....They birdied both the 17 th and 18 th to dash our winning hopes. However a draw was a fair result for a fabulous match.

Players dined in their four balls as they came in, and the food and service was very good indeed. The salmon in particular, freshly cooked and in a delicious prawn and caper sauce was more akin to restaurant dining than normal golf club fare. Gareth the hospitality Manager and his team certainly looked after us well, and I extended our thanks on behalf of all the players in my dispatches.

Collecting the cards as the players returned, I was delighted both with the result, a 5-3 win to Staffordshire and the comments on how much everyone had enjoyed the course and their match. Nursing jet lag and the obligatory cold you pick up on the flight home I sneezed, coughed and spluttered through the short speech, however, it was a pleasure to play and be involved with such a splendid array of players.

Here’s to our next game!

Jayne Fletcher                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SVLGA  Captain

SVLGA 1st Team vs Leicestershire at Cosby GC Monday 3rd June 2024

No handicap discussions were required for this match since we were playing off scratch and cards were already prepared for us when we arrived.  The rain kept off for a change and we all got off to a prompt start for our matches.  Cosby proved to be an interesting course which was well presented and required us to plot our way around the holes.

The food was very tasty and we were looked after well by the catering team as we waited for the last matches to come in. The result was a resounding win for Staffordshire, 6 matches to 2. 

My thanks to Sue, our President, for all her help on the day and to the Cosby GC staff and Leicestershire Captain and 2 nd Team Captain for preparing things so well.

Congratulations to all our Staffordshire players for such a great result.

Liz Merryman

SVLGA Vice-Captain

SVLGA 1st Team vs Shropshire at Chesterton Valley Thur 23rd May 2024

The downpour on the previous day had closed a few courses but we were good to go on a well drained course with no winter rules!  The pre-match breakfast sandwiches were very well received and a fter a little bit of discussion with Sue, the Shropshire Captain, about the new handicap system for 4BBB match play we all got off to a prompt start to our matches.

An interesting and thought provoking course which was in good condition, apart from all bunkers being out of play. The greens were a little slower than some of the players were used to on their home courses and we all had to remember not to pick the ball up and clean it!

As we waited in the clubhouse for the final match to be completed it was all very close. Three matches halved, two wins and two losses, it was all on the last game…………. A close call on the 18 th but Staffordshire came out as winners, one up, to give us a match win of 4.5 to 3.5.

Our thanks to the Shropshire Team, Chesterton Valley catering team and the golf pro for hosting us so well.

My thanks to Sue, our President, for all her help on the day.

Another good win for Staffordshire, congratulations all, what a great result!

Liz Merryman

SVLGA Vice-Captain

SVLGA 3rd Team vs Northamptonshire at Collingtree Park on 9th May 2024

Our first match of the season, so a little bit of discussion at the start about the new handicap system for 4BBB matchplay, but everything was quickly sorted and all were off to a prompt start to their matches. The team was a mixture of experienced Staffordshire Vets players and a few "newbies" who were supported well by their team mates.     

The weather was glorious, with the sun so hot a quick trip to the pro shop for extra water was needed with myself and the Northamptonshire Captain acting as drinks trolley girls!

The Golf Club was a challenging course with many water hazards, some tough rough and a interesting island green on the 18th hole! However, the players had an amazing day with a resounding win for Staffordshire 6 ½ to 1 ½. Well played to all our fantastic golfers and a big thank you to Collingtree Park Golf Club who hosted us so well.

Liz Merryman

SVLGA Vice-Captain

The Players                                                                                 The 18th hole

SVLGA 1st Team v Derbyshire @ Leek Golf Club Weds 8th May 2024

Another bright day, how thankful we were that yet again we had thwarted the rain.

Susie, Derbyshire’s Captain had started on the cards as (thank goodness) I had worked out all of the shots and handicap difference the night before. What a blessing as when I arrived the internet was down due to work being carried out on their phone system. Phew! Catastrophe averted.

Leek golf course was presented very nicely, although as expected the greens were a little slow which proved difficult for some of the players whose home course greens were running a lot faster and truer.

All of the pairings enjoyed the day and the meal afterwards was lovely, some even had pudding too which they loved.

Thanks to Julie and her catering team who looked after us so well, and she was an absolute delight to work with. Congratulations to her and her business partner Gareth as they have just taken over the food operation at Leek GC. Further thanks to Janet Harden, Lady Captain at Leek who was there to greet us and finally the staff in the pro shop and behind the bar who made us all feel so welcome.

The result....waiting in the Clubhouse to greet the players on the completion of their matches it was proving a close call, especially after the first five games. Thankfully a win and two halves later gave Staffordshire a 4.5 to 3.5 victory.

Finally a big thank you to our Staffordshire girls for doing their very best, and for some, driving such a distance.

Jayne Fletcher  

SVLGA Captain  

SVLGA 2nd Team vs Leicestershire at Aston Wood on 8th May 2024

The sun gods decided to grace us with an appearance on 8 th May for our first county match against Leicestershire at Aston Wood. The course looked in good condition, sadly I didn’t get out there to experience it, but comments back were very complimentary.

My sincere thanks go to our President Sue Simmons for staying and supporting the team as I had to make a mad dash back home to a very poorly dog.

Huge congratulations to my team, coming up trumps with a 5-3 win. It’s always good to get a win at the beginning of the season, it sets us up in the right mindset going forward.

Thank you to Aston Wood for hosting us

Carol Alford

Thurs 25th April 2024 SVLGA V MWSGA President Select team 

We all arrived at Woodhall Spa in good time to enjoy lunch courtesy of the Midlands President – Cindy Ireland. I had agreed with Cindy that it would be a scratch match, as I thought it would be better practice for our cup matches later in the season. When I saw their players I knew we were going to have to battle hard to get a draw never mind a win, as previously this had been played as a handicap match.

Praying that the weather would hold, we were togged up as if we were all going ski-ing as it was so cold, and drizzley to start. Fuelled and cards in hand we teed off on the Hotchkin Championship course. For most of the Staffs team this was the first time we had played the course which also put us at a distinct disadvantage.

The course was a joy to play. Guarded greens, with bunkers protecting the approach shots meant accuracy was your best friend. It was a thinking golfer’s paradise, however you really needed to have played it before to understand where best to hit your tee shots and plot your way round. We nearly escaped without further rain, but as the black skies loomed we got away with just a hail storm!

There was a lovely jovial atmosphere in the Clubhouse after the match. After the first four four-balls were in it was neck and neck, the fifth match was halved, however their top player was out last and despite a gallant effort our girls lost resulting in a 3.5 to 2.5 win for the Presidents team.

Following dinner, and goodbyes to the Midlands team we retired to the hotel to check in and enjoy a drink together. The evening was nicely rounded off with some games and a quiz. It goes without saying that ‘Staffs’ certainly know how to enjoy themselves, and it bonded the players further.

Jayne Fletcher

SVLGA Captain

Tuesday 23 rd April 2024 SVLGA 1 st v 2 nd Team match @ Drayton Park G.C.

The first match of 2024, and glory be..... no rain!

Our 2nd Team Captain Carol and I greeted our respective teams, and having done all the behind the scenes work calculating shots under the revised handicapping system for 4BBBB match play we were able to give out the cards confidently and without the stress of trying to work it out on the day.

President Sue (Simmons) kindly saw all the players off the first tee. The course was presented very well especially the greens which were a pleasure to putt on. Considering the deluge of rain the course had been subjected too it was in surprisingly good condition although some of the back nine holes were a tad soft underfoot.

We all enjoyed a two course meal after our game, with thanks to Beckie and her team for the organisation and service. Collecting the results, it was neck and neck as to which team would win, but thankfully it ended in a draw. From the comments received it would appear that everyone enjoyed the game, and approved of the fixture as a great way to start the season off.

Finally, thanks to Dan and Billy in the Pro Shop for all their assistance and Judy and Kirsty in the office. It is always a pleasure to play at Drayton Park as the staff help to make the day a success.

Jayne Fletcher                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SVLGA Captain

1st team V Shropshire - Date Change

1st team ladies please note change of date of match V Shropshire at Chesterton Valley. It is Thurs 23rd May, no longer Tues 28th May, as displayed on fixture cards. 

Super 70's Plus - Change of date/venue

Ladies, we listened to the concerns raised at the delegates meeting about the lack of buggies available at The Castle which meant that some of our Super 70's would not be able to compete in this years event. As a result we have managed to change the venue to Walsall Golf Club, and have arranged for it to be played at the later date of Mon 23rd September.  We look forward to seeing as many 70/80 plus ladies taking part in the event, as possible.  

New members to SVLGA

SVLGA is very pleased to welcome the ladies fom The Chase as a new club to the association. Also welcome to all the new ladies who have joined this year, across a number of our existing clubs. We hope you will take part in our competitions and matches and enjoy your golf in 2024. 

New Treasurer - Email address

When communicating with our new Treasurer, Nina Snelson, can you please use the following email address.

23rd Nov 2023

2023 SVLGA AGM - Mon 13th Nov 2023

It was really lovely to see so many vets in attendance at todays AGM. 66 ladies attended and 22 sent apologies. 

Pat Mumford was thanked for her service and support as President over the last two years, as she passed over the role to Sue Simmons (Enville). With Sue's resume (see AGM Minutes) we know she will be an excellent president and warmly welcome her to the post. 

Also leaving committee after 5 years, as treasurer, is Wendy Lewis, to be replaced by Nina Snelson (Branston) . Wendy has done an excellent job and leaves the association in a good financial position.

Jayne Fletcher (Whittington) takes over from Carol Alford in the role of Captain, and brings in Liz Merryman (Bloxwich) as her Vice Captain.  

Leaving committee is Angie Peake, to be replaced by Sam Morris (Brocton) and Jenny Smale (Whittington Heath)

We wish the new committee all the best for the coming year. 

Rules Change

The committee agreed that we need to amend the Rules this year.  

Wording of rule 4C currently reads  

“No member to serve for more than 3 consecutive years” to be amended to

” No member to serve for more than 3 consecutive years, unless no other members come forward to replace them”.


Wording of Rule 5 currently reads

“No more than one member from any one club may serve on the committee. However. There may be an officer and a committee member from the same club at any time” to be amended to read

 “A maximum of 2 members from any one club may serve on the committee. This may be an officer and a committee member, or 2 committee members, but not 2 officers”

  These rule changes were accepted by a show of hands.

2023 SVLGA Captains' lunch

A delicious lunch was enjoyed by Captain Carol, her committee and all the team players who joined her today at The Pavillion at Branston.

Eileen Geddes was thrilled to receive her 3rd team colours, presented by Mandy, as was our President Pat who was also presented with hers. 

The remaining colours will be presented, along with trophies and prizes for the 2023 season, at the AGM on Mon 13th November, where we look to welcoming you all to hear a summary of 2023 and plans for 2024.

Staffs Superstars

Congratulations to our Staffs A Team who won the MVLGA Championship at Hawkstone Park, with Gross 235. Shropshire were 2nd with 241, and Leicestershire 3rd with 253.  There was a record entry of 17 teams this year, with 16 actually competing from 9th to 11th October. 

Overall team winners were Staffordshire A - Sally Sketcher, Sue Spencer, Bev Chattaway and Debbie Warren (For the 7th time)

Bev Chattaway narrowly missed out out on the individual gross with a gross 77 losing on count back to Tani a Pearce (Shropshire).

Debbie Warren and Anne Fern finished runners-up in the greensomes with 38 points, to another Staffordshire pairing of Bev Chattaway and Jayne Fletcher with a superb 40 points.

Following the good, competitive golf, the girls were entertained by Mowtown Motion at the players dinner.

Many thanks to President Pat for supporting the team through the event, and to super sub Rachel Rowe.  Well done girls. 

2nd Team Report for friendly game at Branston with Senior men on 4th October

  Branston Senior men hosted a fabulous day at their club on 4 th October with Ladies from our second team. It was agreed to run the event this year as an am-am rather than a match with teams of 4, consisting of 2 ladies and 2 gents. Best score to count from a lady and gent on each hole with nearest the pins on all par 3’s and shot over the water on the infamous 18 th hole.  

Carol Alford stood in as captain for the team as Jayne Fletcher sadly was unable to attend the day. Due to the date change it meant we had to substitute several players and run the event with 12 players rather than our accustomed 14. Huge thanks to Chris Pettitt for stepping in last minute to cover for Liz Merryman who was taken poorly.

  The fun and banter continued in the clubhouse over dinner with everyone remarking on how enjoyable the day had been.

  Helen Stevenson won nearest the pin on 15 th and Chris Pettitt for her shot into the 18, th beating the gent who had taken 3 shots compared to her 2.

  Winning Team was Carol Alford, Chris Pettitt, Tim Bucknall (Senior Captain) and Ian Simpson

SVLGA 3rd Team V Aston Wood Senior men (AWOS)

Aston Wood were fabulous hosts for the inaugural event for our Vets 3rd team and their senior gents on 21st September. Mandy Ambert, who couldn’t attend the day did a great job organising the event with their captain Rich Wilson and even managed to arrange sunshine for most of the day, which was a blessing after the previous day of torrential rain and 40 mile hour wind gusts. Mandy went off for a well deserved rest to Cornwall leaving the Captain Carol Alford to run the day. After chatting with their captain Rich they decided to change the event from a match to an am-am format, which proved to be a huge success, with each team taking the best lady and gent’s score on each hole. The teams were well balanced with close scores as a result. There was lots of banter held on both the course and around the dinner table.

Nearest the Pin on hole 5 for the ladies was won by Sara Allen of Branston and for the gents on hole 14 by Paul Thompson.
Runners up team with 81 points was Jane Capron (The Castle), Jan Kelly (South Staffs), Jim Moran and Dave Bowater. 
Winners were Heather Wooding (Brocton), Carol Alford (Branston), Rich Wilson and Paul with 86 points

Everyone is looking forward to playing again next year
Kind Regards
Carol Alford
SVLGA Captain

Vets Victorious in Brenda King Foursomes

Great news, it was 2 of our own Staffordshire Vets who were victorious, winning the Brenda King fousomes this year at Royal St. Davids in July.

The partnership of Sue Spencer and Sally Sketcher took the honours with a gross 158, just pipping runners-up Mary MacLaren and Kate Evans who finished on Gross 159.  An excellent result. Well done both

2nd team and 3rd team v Derbyshire -Thurs 17th August 2023 at Derby Golf Club

Due to various circumstances neither Vice Captain Jayne or Past Captain Mandy were unable to attend so I stepped in to help.

Unfortunately, Derbyshire were again unable to field 2 full teams so it had already been agreed, as it was a friendly fixture, that it would be played as a three ball alliance with mixed teams of Staffordshire and Derbyshire players. This is the same as last year.

Derbyshire Captains Beryl and Margaret were marvellous hosts and had everything in hand when we arrived and organised cards, meal money collection etc. so I had very little to do.

The weather was quite kind and the course was tricky in parts but great fun to play.

The winning three teams were as follows  

1 st        74 points                                Margaret Enoch (D)             Karen Smith (S)            Pat Mumford (S)

2 nd       73 points                                 Jean Ormerod (D)                Mee Ling Yiu (S)           Sue Russell (S)

3 rd         72 points (on back nine)      Christine Statham (D)          Mandy Poxon (S)          Janice Hunt (D)


 Pat Mumford - President

Nellie Wood & Vintage Salver Individual Stableford.

What a start to the above competition – heavy rain overnight & still coming down in buckets, it appears to be the theme for all the Vets competitions held this year.

Ladies booking in were resigned to the fact that they were going to get wet with a cheerfulness that said ‘oh well, never mind’. The weather did improve late morning & into the afternoon although the scoring did not.

Deb Cosnett, first out with two other ladies from Penn, came in with the best score of 38 points & held the lead throughout the day winning the Nellie Wood Trophy.

Helen Wass, from Stone, won the Vintage Salver with a score of 35 points. 33 ladies entered the competition for the Vintage Salver.

Well done to all the ladies who took part in such awful weather & congratulations to the winners, full results can be found on the Staffs County website.

My thanks go to Penn Golf Club for hosting the competition, & in particular Ann Rafferty, Jo Hall, ( Lady Captain Penn ) , for acting as starter. Kate Read & Kath Whitlock for their help on the desk & Lyn Hughes who sold raffle tickets on behalf of Penn Lady Captain’s charity ‘Versus Arthritis’ which raised £150.00.

As this was the final open competition for the SVLGA this year may I wish you all a very happy 2024, please keep supporting the competitions & play some great golf

Ann Partridge    -    Competition Secretary 

Competition Secretary and Secretary roles

Following the fullfillment of the post of treasurer, to take over from Wendy in November at the AGM, we wanted to make you aware that the posts of Competition Secretary and Secretary for SVLGA will both be coming  available from November 2024. We are making you aware now, so that you can give it some thought, find out more about the roles, and if interested shadow the current incumbents during next year, to ensure a seamless transition. 

If you are interested in either role please feel free to discuss with any member of committee. 

Nicky Whitton       -      Secretary

Lady Captains Day at Branston

After a night of heavy rain the last thing needed on Branston golf course was more water, but the course was surprising dry apart from the fixed water features. The sun shone, which was a blessing, the company good & Lady Captain provided a very welcome respite at the halfway house with Prosecco, Bucks Fizz & pastries, which were delicious.

93 ladies signed up for the event & even with some traffic delays everyone started more or less on their tee time. All agreed that the day was a great success with much laugher & a lot of comparisons as to who lost the most balls. I lost two, both on the 18 th hole - no surprise there! It was very pleasing to welcome new members to the Vets & who, I hope, enjoyed the day so much that they will be supporting future events.

Most ladies agreed that the course played long & this was reflected in the scores which are displayed on the website. Listed below are the additional prize winners;

Best Front 9; Val Charlton, Pauline Kearney, Angela Hughes. Penn. 37 points .

Best Back 9; Anne Bowns, Val Thompson, Leonie Paterson. Lichfield. 31 points.

Nearest Wiggly Line; Sue Simmons. Enville

Nearest the Pin 10 th hole; Sue Sims. Whittington.

Nearest the Pin 18 th Hole; Tracey Klek. Beau Desert .

My thanks go to Trudie Hanson, whose help on the desk was invaluable, Sue Bateman who also helped on the desk. Rachel Alford for acting as starter all day & who helped enter the final scores, & to Branston Golf & Country Club.


On a different note, may I remind ladies taking part in the Nellie Wood & Vintage Salver individual stableford at Penn, if they wish to compete for the Vintage Salver there is a £2.00 charge, payable on the day .

Thank you,

Ann Partridge      -   Competition Secretary.

Tri-county Trophy success

Druids Heath golf club hosted our match on 19th July against Worcestershire and Herefordshire. This was the final leg of the tri-county match, having won our previous match against Warwickshire we were buoyed on to play well. The golf course was in fabulous condition with the greens proving to be tricky. Pat Mumford our President joined me on the day to support the girls and spur them on at the half-way house. After being all square after nine holes I’m pleased to announce the Staffordshire ladies dug in deep and came out with a victorious win 5-3 making us the winners of the Tri-County and holders of the trophy for 2023

Kind Regards
Carol Alford - Lady Captain

Snelson Trophy

Walsall Golf golf was chosen to host the Snelson Trophy on 10th July. This competition has historically been held as a match between the vets captain’s team and the vice-captain’s playing for a trophy donated by Gill Snelson who played many years for Staffordshire before moving to Northamptonshire. 

With Gill’s permission we changed the format this year to include the past captain and her team, resulting with 48 players taking part on the day. After struggling to find more counties offering matches for our past captain’s team we came up with the idea as a way to get all our players together and create a celebration of golf. 
The rain didn’t dampen our spirits and after speaking with a number of players it would appear everyone enjoyed the new format. Each captain had 5 teams consisting of 3-balls with each 3-ball alliance made up from a player from 1st, 2nd and 3rd team.  Stableford points were added together for each captain and their respective pointed added to the total.
The final result was very close with the captains team scoring 300 points, vice-captain 303 and the winner past captain 305. 
Our thanks go to Walsall golf club for being marvellous hosts and to their ladies who provided scrumptious cakes at the half-way house.
We missed Gill on the day who sadly couldn’t make it due to hurting her back, we wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to you joining us next year at Wolstanton 
A few pictures taken on the day

Lady Vets President’s Day 

Thank you to all the ladies who came along and played at my President’s Day at South Staffs Golf Club.
I hope you all had a good day and I’m really pleased to say that we raised a fantastic £707  for the British Liver Trust. It was fantastic to see Mandy Ambert, our past captain, playing and looking so well.
For my part I thoroughly enjoyed the day
Thanks Again

Lady Vets President’s Day  South Staffordshire Golf Club  29 th  June 2023  

Congratulations to President Pat for the presentation of the course & to all the assistants from South Staffordshire golf club who helped to make the day a resounding success.

Despite problems with the M6 motorway (again) & some creative juggling by the Audrey Boliver, who was manning the booking in table, everyone got off more or less on their tee times.

The greens were proving tricky for some ladies & although the scoring wasn’t fantastic everyone who came in commented that the course was extremely well presented & that it had been a very enjoyable day.

The holes selected for ‘nearest the pin’ were challenging, especially the 6th.

Listening to the amount of laughter in the club house later, and tales being recounted, it shows how our competitions certainly cement the camaraderie between all the lady vets, catching up with old friends and making new ones.

My thanks go to the club manager Gareth for all his help with the set up of the course, Audrey Boliver, Margery Leece & Anne Marczek for manning the booking in table, the starters David Thomas, David Salt, Richard Hilton & John Mumford, Tracey Gamston & Suzanne Rogers for manning the halfway house. Grateful thanks to Lady President Pat for providing Bucks Fizz, Prosecco, soft drinks & very morish cakes at the halfway house.

Lady President held raffle in aid of the British Liver Trust which raised the magnificent sum of £701.00. Thank you ladies for bringing in items to be raffled & for your unstinting support.

Ann Partridge - Competition Secretary

For results click here Download

1st Team Match report 14th June against Leicestershire and Rutland @ Uttoxeter G.C.

The day dawned sunny with bright blue skies and looked to be a scorcher. With both the Ladies Captain and President from Uttoxeter GC together with the President from Leicestershire and Rutland the players were given a good send off.

Uttoxeter Golf course presents its own unique challenges, with many blind holes, and guesswork required to pin point the direction the flag will be in, it certainly called on all of the players mental aptitude. With elevations, out of bounds and water to contend with there were some really good scores considering. The beauty of Uttoxeter is its wonderful views, especially over the race course which lies adjacent to some of the opening holes.

I am delighted to report a 5.5 – 2.5 win for Staffordshire and thank the team for their efforts, and my playing partner Deb Purcell. Also thank-you to Helena Rean who was super sub at the 11 th hour.

Finally my sincere thanks to the staff at Uttoxeter who made us feel so welcome, and did all they could to make our visit enjoyable. The scampi and chips, followed by a choice of dessert rounded off the day nicely…..

Jayne Fletcher                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SVLGA Vice Captain

2nd Team Match report Tues13th June against Worcestershire & Herefordshire @ Drayton Park G.C.

My first match as 2nd Team Captain dawned and feeling slightly apprehensive, not withstanding the date was the 13th I got to Drayton Park G.C. in plenty of time.  I need not have worried, the staff were more than helpful and once the flag was up and the Staffs tablecloth was in situ we welcomed the players and got to work working out revised handicaps and shot differentials.

Sally their Captain and I saw all the players off before playing a cheeky nine holes. The course was presented very well notwithstanding the bunkers which I believe are awaiting new sand. The sun beamed down on us all day and indeed for some it was a tad too hot.

Collecting the cards as the players returned I was delighted with the result, a 5-3 win to Staffordshire in the Morgan Cup. I couldn’t have been more pleased, especially as I was scrambling for players only the day before. Special thanks to Judith Waterhouse and Jackie Rose who came to my rescue.

Finally thanks to Billy in the Pro Shop for all his assistance and Becky and her staff who served us a delicious meal, and the cold drinks were most welcome.

Jayne Fletcher                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SVLGA Vice Captain

1st Team Match report from 5th June against Warwickshire

I’m one very happy captain writing this report it gives me great pleasure to announce an outstanding win against Warwickshire 6.5 to 1.5. I must thank my super-subs Janet Coope, Caroline Carryer and Helena Rean stepping in to cover players who sadly couldn’t make the event.

Leamington Golf Club looked a challenging course with severe elevations and tough rough but that didn’t stop the Staffordshire girls rising to the challenge.

Sue Timberlake who donated the trophy we play for in this event, questioned my choice of pairing a low handicap player with a higher one, suggesting it wouldn’t be a winning strategy – well guess whose smiling at the result?

Thank you to our Madam President who stayed and gave our thanks along with the winning result. And last but most definitely not least my thanks to my amazing players on the day, you certainly gave Warwickshire a first class game – well done    

Carol Alford  SVLGA Captain  5th June 2023

County Vets Championship - Weds 31st May

It was quite a cool day with a strong easterly breeze for the Vet’s Championship at Barlaston, and sweaters were definitely required especially for those manning the desk. 38 Ladies were due to play but, unfortunately, five ladies cried off because of illness or injury. A bit of juggling ensued to make up tee times.
The remaining 33 ladies returned a large variety of scores & a good tally of how many lost balls they had had on a challenging course. One lady nearly lost her trolley & clubs having them ending up half submerged in water but they were neatly rescued by Nicky Whitton.

The Championship was won by Sue Spencer from Whittington Heath with a gross score of 76.
The nett winner was Pamela Bailey from Beau Desert with a nett score of 74.

Division 1 winner: Glynis Byatt, Trentham, nett 75
Runner up: Sharon Jefferies, Brocton Hall, nett 76

Division 2 winner: Nicky Whitton, Aston Wood, nett 78
Runner up: Cathy Gray, South Staffs, nett 80.

The Doreen Banks Salver was also competed for on the same day with 13 ladies entering.
The winner was Glynis Byatt from Trentham with a gross score of 91.

All prizes will be awarded at the AGM in November.

My thanks go to Jim, general manager, Sue Rocks Lady Captain, President Tim Hewin, who acted as starter, and anyone I have forgotten at Barlaston who helped to make the day run smoothly.
Thanks also to Vet’s Lady Captain Carol Alford, Christine Davies & Jean Livingstone for giving their time freely & who made the day less stressful.

For full results of the Vets Championship see "Latest Results" on the Staffsladiesgolf main website. 

Match Report for SVLGA 1st Team against Shropshire

South Staffordshire Golf Club hosted our match against Shropshire on the 26th May. The course looked stunning in the glorious sunshine and the greens were running super fast. It was so nice to see so many old friends chatting on the patio and catching up before going out to play. Several games were incredibly tight, Di the Shropshire captain had found a new group of ladies to play this year, some of which were playing off lower handicaps than previous years. Everyone enjoyed the day: the challenge of the greens and to be able to play in summer clothes. The final result was a win to Shropshire 5-3. My thanks go to South Staffs for the a well presented course and to the catering staff who provided us with a lovely meal afterwards.

Kind Regards
Carol Alford SVLGA Captain  27th May 2023

Match Report for SVLGA 3rd Team against Northamptonshire

A glorious sunny day greeted the Northamptonshire match at Great Barr Golf club on 18th May. The course looked stunning with all the trees in full bloom as the staff welcomed us to their venue.

All was going well until I started to receive calls of players struggling to arrive due to traffic chaos. The M6 was closed leaving two of our Staffordshire’s players stuck which meant my meticulous planning went out the window. Time for drastic action, check who had arrived and then re-jig matches and playing partners. Big thanks to the ladies for being so understanding.

Eventually all players were paired up and sent on their way apart from 2 ladies. No news from Northampton from their missing 2 meant our 2 ladies had no match, but at least were able to play the course.

Sadly, the result was a loss of 5 to 3, giving away too many shots to the opposition did us. However, lots of fun was had by all and new friendships formed which is what golf should be about. I hope Mandy will forgive the stand in captain of her team not delivering a win. Wishing you a speedy recovery Mandy from all the ladies

Carol Alford - 18th May 2023

May 3rd 2023 Staffordshire Vets vs Derbyshire Friendly Match at Matlock

Our first friendly match of the season was held at Matlock in Derbyshire on 3rd May. A challenging hilly course where local knowledge was key proved to be an advantage to the hosting opponents. Sadly, we lost 3 to 5; it could have gone our way had we known about hidden ditches and hazards.

It was lovely to get together with our friends from Derbyshire and to play in the sunshine. We look forward to our next match on 26th May at South Staffordshire where hopefully home advantage will go our way.

Carol Alford                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SVLGA Captain 

Mandy received her flowers

Oh ladies, just to say thankyou so much for the beautiful flowers. Just arrived. Raised my spirits today. 
I can't wait to see you all 
Lots of love
Mandy xx

Super 70’s Oxley Park Golf Club

On Monday 24th April 2023, a dreary overcast Spring Day, in only its second year, the Staffordshire Veterans’ Ladies Super 70’s competition was played at Oxley Park Golf Club.

A field of 44 Super 70’s Ladies took part and, although conditions were not ideal with placing on closely mown areas only, the comments made were quite favourable. Some ladies thought that the course was playing long, still a bit grotty in places, damp in others, no run on the ball and with tricky greens the scoring was not going to be brilliant. At least the rain managed to restrict itself to bits of drizzle & not the deluge forecast.

It is with great pleasure to announce that the winner was Arleen McQuirk from Aston Wood with 32 points,                         Second  place was Helen Barrett from South Staffs with 27 points and third Sue Butler from Uttoxeter with 25 points.                                                                All results are shown on the County website under ‘Results’.

My personal thanks go to Lady Captain Carol Alford, Vet’s President Pat Mumford for their unstinting support. To Joan Lee and Roger Cox, Oxley Park stalwarts, for acting as booking in clerk & starter respectively. To the green staff, catering staff & anyone else I have forgotten for their assistance in making the day flow & enjoyable for all those who took part                                                                                                                                                                               Ann Partridge                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Competition Sec.

Great News - Past Captain Mandy Ambert receives new liver. 

Mandy underwent surgery yesterday for her liver transplant. A message was received from her daughter Suzi lasy night to say they had spoken to the surgeon. In his words "it went perfectly". Mandy has done amazing and the new liver is responding well. 

It's lovely to be able to share good news

Nicky Whitton  SVLGA Secretary - April 4th 

Sad News

I have been informed that Gill Minister (Our former Ladies Secretary) husband John died suddenly on Friday 10th Feb in Bournemouth. 

 Nicky Whitton    SVLGA Secretary

Peggy Meek

It is with sadness that I have to report that we lost Peggy Meek, a member of Little Aston Golf Club, and Past Captain of the SVLGA, during January.  

Peggy’s funeral will take place on Tuesday 28th February at 12.30pm at St Margaret’s Church, Chapel Lane, Great Barr, B43 7BA, this will be followed by a private cremation at Streetly Crematorium.  There will be a reception at Little Aston Golf Club following the service at St Margaret’s Church.

Usual black mourning attire need not be worn, please dress in anyway you consider for this Celebration of Peggy's Life in a place dear to her heart

Please do not send flowers or floral tributes as the family will be doing their own wreath. If instead you wish to donate to the two charities we are supporting, full details are available on this link Ian Hazel Funeral Donations

There will also be a live stream of the funeral for those not able to attend     using Password ME2023

SVLGA AGM Mon 14th November 2022

It was lovely to see so many Vets at the AGM this year. There were 55 in attendance, with another 37 sending their apologies. Minutes of the meeting can be found on the AGM tab. I hope those of you who attended found it most informative.  What a great year 2022 was for Staffordshire Vets.  

The prize table looked wonderful with it's  new cloth and runner. Thanks to our new captain Carol.  We said goodbye to our Past Captain Chris (you will be missed), and Mandy now moves into that post.  We welcomed in our new vice captain Jayne Fletcher and a new member to committee Jill Tranter.

Don't forget we are still looking for someone to shadow Wendy (treasurer) in her final year, ready to step into those shoes. If you are intersted, or want to know further information don't hesitate to contact a member of the committee.

Nicky Whitton 
SVLGA Secretary  
Tue 15th Nov 2022


SVLGA 1st team versus Derbyshire at Aston Wood gc Oct 10th

The final match for our 1st team was the deferred fixture v Derbyshire as we hosted them at Aston Wood gc.

Derbyshire put out a very strong team and beat us 5-3 but each match was quite tough and some going to the 18th hole.

The course was in immaculate condition with super slick greens and with blue skies plus a bit of a breeze, we all had a great day.

The meal was interrupted by a Derbyshire player pulling a heavy curtain rail off the wall leavng the wall plugs in situ. Calmly managed by John the club manager who jokingly said he didn’t want us back as we had trashed the place.

All in all , a great season for of our team players and I thank each and every one of you for supporting the Vets Matches in all divisions and giving me such pleasure as your Captain

Mandy Ambert 
SVLGA captain 2022  
12 Oct 2022


You can see in the photos from the MVLGA Championship at Gog Magog below just how smart our Vets look in their kit, but the kit is NOT just for team players. All Vets are invited to wear our kit. It's not just for matches and competitions. 

As with all things we expect the price to go up next year, so why not buy yours now from the current stock. We still have some items left and will be bringing them to the AGM, so get yours whilst you can.


We don't have any shirts left in stock in Med or Large, Just Small, XL and XXL.  We do have jumpers and slipovers in all sizes.  

12th Oct 2022

Daily Mail Foursomes Winners 2022

Excellent news, 2 of our own Staffordshire Vets Penny Toal and Helen Barrett (South Staffs Golf Club) won the Ladies Daily Mail Foursomes 2022 at St Pierre. 

After winning their matches in the 7 qualifying rounds they won their semi final round 3 and 1 on the Monday morning and then went on to win their match in the afternoon 3 and 1.

Their semi finals match on Tuesday morning went to the 19th, which then put them in the final on Tuesday afternoon.

The final was played against Dumfries and County which they won 1 up on the 18th. 

The Daily Mail Foursomes is a tournament that is now regarded as the greatest amateur golfing tournament in the world with more that 190,000 players competing in the qualifying rounds with 2000 teams entering the competition this year. 

This is a fantastic personal achievement for Penny and Helen, well done both, you have certainly put South Staffs ladies on the map. 

Mvlga championship at Gog Magog golf club 3rd to 5th October.

What a fabulous 3 days where 64 players representing 10 counties assembled to compete in the Midlands Veteran Ladies County Championship. Gog Magog golf club played perfect hosts to us all including a magician who performed on the night of our dinner. The weather was kind until the last day where the winds howled and later on in the afternoon the skies opened.

Battling the elements didn’t seem to deter our Staffordshire Ladies:

Team 1 Julie Brown (MVLGA Vice Captain 2022), Debbie Warren, Bev Chattaway and Jenny Deeley

Team 2 , Sally Sketcher (MVLGA Captain 2022) Corinne Tooth, Caroline Corrigan and Jayne Fletcher 

Staffordshire County came in with a flurry of prizes, the most prestigious being the Sue Timberlake Bowl as the overall champions of the event with the best aggregate gross score over 36 holes. 

Debbie Warren won the prize for best individual gross score with Julie Brown only 1 point away as runner up and team 2 won the runner up place in the Best Team Nett category.   

Lady President, Pat Mumford, Lady Vice, Carol Alford and myself were only too pleased to witness the main 2 days and enjoy Staffordshire Ladies’ celebration with them. My main challenge was to bring home the Trophy made of crystal in one piece which I dutifully did although my nerves were in tatters with the responsibility knowing the history attached to the Bowl.

Next year as victors we will again play against the MVLGA president select team venue TBC.

It felt good to return the Sue Timberlake Bowl back to its regular place under the umbrella of Staffordshire. 


3rd October 2022 against Branston Senior Men at Branston

This match was originally scheduled to take place at The Staffordshire, following previous years, but sadly due to the course being closed Branston were approached to see if the senior men’s section would be interested in hosting. As Vice-Captain I was extremely proud to see my home club take the match on with such enthusiasm. For weeks the gents kept enquiring about the handicaps of the ladies they would be facing as opponents and I’m told by the senior’s captain some turned pale when they saw the calibre of players.

The sun shone all day thank goodness, as 3 days prior we had torrential rain. The scene was set and lots of banter could be heard in the clubhouse before the match and out on the course.

Listening to the conversations and the emails I’ve since received everyone enjoyed the day and asked if we could hold another one next year. I tried desperately in my speech to say the result was irrelevant as the enjoyment had by all made it a huge success. Sadly the ladies came second on this occasion, but rest assured (as Arnie once said) “we will be back”

SVLGA & Staffs Senior men AM/AM 21st Sept 2022

Sept 21st saw the annual get together of the Staffordshire senior men and SVLGA playing an AM-AM invitational. (best man and best woman score to count on each hole)

The Ladies played host this year and the event was held at my home club Trentham. The course is undergoing major changes with a new bunkers project. Each player could see the huge potential benefits to the course and were not deterred by the areas of Ground under Repair.
The feedback from both the men and the ladies was very positive and the atmosphere amongst the teams was warm and full of laughter.

Well done to winners Julie Brown, Corinne Tooth, Mike Baker and Mike Deeley with 88 points
2nd place was Bev Chattaway, Jenny Deeley, Geriant Hughes and Steve Wild with 85 points and 
3rd place was Sally Sketcher, Bev Hensley, Paul Morris and Mike Tooth with 84 points. 

Next year we look forward to the men hosting the event.

Mandy Ambert     SVLGA Captain 

Queen Elizabeth 2nd Dies 8th September 2022

Dear Member of the SVLGA

I'm sure you join me, Our President and our committee on this day 8th September 2022 in remembering a person who has been in our lives forever. Representing the Royal family and the head of our country and commonwealth.
A woman who has been the pinnacle of  respect. resilience, strength, loyalty, encouragement. peace making and hope.
A woman who has endeavoured to adapt to the ever fluid changes in society.
A widow, mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

We mourn and salute you Your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2nd. 
God save the King. 

Mandy Ambert.     SVLGA Captain 2022

Nellie Wood and Vintage Salver - Mon 22nd Aug 2022

Despite misgivings that the weather forecast was not good & which belied the forecasters, 128 ladies contested the above at South Staffs Golf Club today.

The course was set out beautifully, a few too many bunkers for some & with fast greens it was pleasing to hear that everyone enjoyed the day whether the scores were good, bad or indifferent.

Of the 128 entrants 60 ladies also took part in the Vintage Salver.

Thanks must go to Penny Toal & her army of volunteers who helped man the booking in table, the volunteer starters & Velia Geekie for beautiful flower arrangements adorning the booking in table and the entrance to the locker room.  My thanks also go to Vets Captain, Mandy Ambert, Vice Captain, Carol Alford, Wendy Lewis & Nicky Whitton who give their support unstintingly.

Congratulations to the winners

1st place Nicky Penny, Lichfield with 44 points - & Nellie Wood Cup.

2nd place Patricia Lee, The Manor with 40 points on countback

3rd place Suzanne Rogers, South Staffs with 40 points.

Vintage Salver                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Patricia Lee, The Manor - 40 pts.

For a full list of the results go to the Competition page

Ann Partridge   SVLGA Competition Secretary        Mon 22nd Aug 2022

2nd Team Report for match held at The Manor against Derbyshire on 15th Aug22

The Manor were extremely fabulous hosts for our match against Derbyshire on the 15th August. It was touch and go if this match would go ahead due to Derbyshire being able to field a team. Only 12 players could be offered and so our remaining 4 players were entered into a fun stableford competition to ensure they still had a game on the day. The cooler temperatures were much appreciated by all the players, not so sure the showers were having arrived earlier than weather reports predicted.

It was a close match with Derbyshire pipping us 3.5 to 2.5 on the day. Staffordshire put up a good fight having to play opponents of much lower handicaps. My thanks go to Pat, Mandy and Chris for their help and support on the day and stepping in to collate the results for me as I had to dash off for an emergency dental appointment having woke up in pain and looking like I’d been in a boxing ring.  

Carol Alford        SVLGA Vice Captain 

SVLGA Third Team with Derbyshire Bronze Team at The Manor  15 August 2022

The 3rd Team friendly ‘match’ v Derbyshire changed to a different format this year due to Derbyshire only being able to find 8 players, but they still wished to hold with the event.

As we had a full Team of 16, I put forward a proposal that we play a 3 Ball AM AM Stableford Competition with each team comprising of 2 Staffordshire ladies and 1 Derbyshire lady. 85% of Course Handicap with two best scores to count on each hole. Teams to play for a small prize for 1st & 2nd place, provided by both Captains. Derbyshire Bronze Captain (Ann Marshall) thought that was a great idea and we went ahead with the AM AM.

The 2nd Team also play Derbyshire on the same day, and same venue, going out first at 10.00 a.m. with the 3rd Team AM AM starting immediately after.

Albeit on a ‘tricky’ course, the Teams enjoyed the change of format to a Team competition, with some good scores coming in. Triumphing on the day were :

1st. 85 pts : Sue Bateman, Maxine Phillips (SVLGA) Carol Jackson (Derbyshire)

2nd 77 pts : Sue Grayson, Gill Wilson (SVLGA) Ann Marshall (Derbyshire)

Well played everyone and congratulations to the winning Teams. Thank you for supporting the change of format for the day.

My thanks to The Manor Golf Club for hosting the day and for their warm welcome and meal after the competition.

Captain Mandy and President Pat were once again on hand to support – thank you.

Unfortunately this was the last event for the 3rd Team this season, as the match v Worcestershire & Herefordshire scheduled for 12 September, has been cancelled due to them not being able to raise a team.

Thank you to all 3rd Team ladies for supporting the SVLGA and playing for the 3rd Team this year.  I wish you all good golfing for the rest of the season and another successful year in 2023.     

Chris Pettitt     SVLGA Third Team Captain      (Immediate Past Captain)

2nd team cup match v Warwickshire at Druids Heath golf club Aug 4th

A sunny day saw the Morgan Trophy fixture played at Druids Heath gc with Chris Pettitt and myself happy to step in for Carol who was working. All present and correct our teams did battle and the result was a convincing win for Staffordshire, 7-1.

Ann Wardle, captain of Warwickshire was a real character and kept Chris and I entertained. Druids heath played excellent hosts and a lot of positive feedback from both teams in terms of the course and refreshments.

As we have lost our Cup match to Worcestershire and Warwickshire halved theirs, Worcestershire will retain the Morgan Trophy this year.

Up for grabs next year and so we look forwards to our next meetings with both counties.   

Mandy Ambert      SVLGA Captain 

Lady Captains Day - Thurs July 14th 2022

Hello and welcome to the 2022 SVLGA Captain’s day at Trentham Golf club

It’s been a pleasure for me to host this event for you and I hope you have enjoyed the hospitality and the course.

My thanks today go to Ann Partridge for her tireless work as Competition secretary for us, without her organisational skills I’d be lost. She’s done a great job sorting out today including the registration desk with Jean Livingstone from Onneley gc and Christine Davis from Brocton gc what a pleasure it was to see you. I extend my thanks to Pat our President, Carol our Vice captain and Chris immediate PC of the Staffs Vets for their ongoing support for today and all through the year. Our committee has gelled well together and I have enjoyed their company and wisdom

To our hosts, I’d like to thank Alma Trentham’s Lady Captain and Val her VC plus the ladies of Trentham who have helped this day run seamlessly

Alma was raising money for her charity to day and thanks to your generosity she has raised £200 for the Neonatal unit at North Staffs hospital Trust

To our Starters, Jean Louis my husband and Guy Davis both ex Captains of TGC, a big thanks for welcoming the ladies on the 1st tee

Getting on with the job in hand we have Ed our head greenkeeper and his team who maintain the standard of course hopefully to your expectations and our catering and bar staff with Nicky for keeping you refreshed and well fed.

Behind the scenes we have Una our club manager and Kim, plus Ash, Dan and Joe our Pro staff .

I ‘d like to thank you for your hard work and consistent level of service

The job as Vets Captain has been full on and Covid still raises its head causing challenges but I can never thanks enough the wonderful ladies of the Staffs Vets who step up to the mark and deliver over and over again. We are blessed with a very strong section both in numbers and in quality and we are recognised throughout the Midlands for just that.

And finally here’s to a continued successful year with good health and happiness and I look forwards to seeing you all soon on the road,

Mandy your SVLGA Captain 2022

Results of the Day 

1st Place   84 Points  Elizabeth Maw,  Pamela Dale, and Nicola Dyke (All from Trentham)

2nd Place 82 Points  Sheila Duncan (Cavendish), Helen Baker (Manor), Mandy Templeton (Manor)

3rd Place  79 Points  Jayne Fletcher (Whittington) Nicky Whitton (Aston Wood) and Alison Scase (Aston Wood)

4th Place   78 Points  Desley Smith, Pam Greenfield, Chris Pettitt (All from Branston Golf and Country club)  

Best Front 9 - 43 points.    Gillian Douce, Pauline Roper, Mandy Paterson  - all from Trentham.
Best Back 9 - 40 points on countback.  Di Gillen, Audrey Bellingham, Sheila Walker - all from Stone.

Nearest the pin on hole 4 - Karen Crarer, Whittington Heath
Nearest the pin on hole 15 - Ann Keighley, Aston Wood
Nearest the pin in 2 on hole 11 - Helena Rean, Whittington Heath.

Pam Burton & Joyce Hughes, with their “Ghost player” had a score of 70 points, unfortunately it was not possible to show this score on the results, but well played ladies & we wish Jean Greenhalgh a speedy recovery from her strains.

Thanks go to Lady Captain who, with her enthusiasm & help from her husband who acted as starter, the day went off without a hitch. The weather could have been warmer in the morning but the welcome all the ladies received more than made up for that.

Thanks also to all the ladies from Trentham who very kindly stepped in to play in place of ladies struck down by the dreaded Covid, it was very much appreciated, & to Jean Livingstone, Christine Davies & Wendy Lewis for helping on the desk, checking the cards, writing up the scores & entering onto the computer.

Well done to all the winners & thank you to the non winners for taking part & making a memorable day.

For full results go to the Competitions page.

Ann Partridge          Competition Secretary  14th July 2022

 Snelson Trophy Mon 11th July 2022

It was great to welcome all the ladies to Newcastle gc and Gill Snelson who had donated the cup after leaving Staffordshire to move to Northamptonshire.

Blisteringly hot weather made us come to a swift decision to run the competition over 12 holes and 4BBB stableford scoring to get everyone in as fast as possible. The heat took its toll on the ladies with one needing to come off the course, happily she was ok with rehydration and the cool of the club house.

We all appreciated the first aid skills of Toby Godwin PGA pro at Newcastle and the hospitality was wonderful. The Cameraderie of the day was a joy to behold and the added bonus of my daughter giving birth to a 7lb 10oz baby boy, Thomas John Archer.

Congratulations to Carol Alford our Vice Captain whose team won the day with 242 points to the Captains team 237 points. Next year and following discussion with Gill we plan to change the format to a 3 ball alliance with players representing the 3 divisions of the SVLGA , a celebration of Staffordshire Ladies golf.   

Mandy Ambert    SVLGA Captain 2022

A cup match Staffordshire v Worcestershire July 4th at Redditch gc.

A fabulous and very difficult course that saw a diluted team representing Staffordshire as 7 of our lowest handicap ladies were representing the Midlands against Wales on the same day. But we did our best and I thank the ladies who played. We lost 6-2 but enjoyed the hospitality of the Worcestershire team and we wish them the best for their match v Warwickshire

Mandy Ambert      SVLGA Captain 2022

Friendly match Staffordshire v Leicestershire June 30th at Kirby Muxloe gc.

Well if we had planned the weather on that day we wouldn’t have come in like drowned rats. I think all in all we had a good day and the result of the match a respectable half.

Kirby did us proud and it was very levelling to meet the Lady Captain of Leicestershire who had already sent her apologies for not staying past sorting out the cards as she was burying her son that afternoon. I was totally blown over by her courage and commitment to her role and I sent a card to her from all of the Ladies of Staffordshire vets. Makes everything pale into insignificance.

Mandy Ambert      SVLGA Captain 2022

2nd  Team Match V Worcestershire at Bromgrove GC. 22 nd June 2022

A beautiful day in glorious sunshine set the scene for our match against Worcestershire at Bromsgrove GC. Most of our team had never played the course, unlike the Worcestershire girls who had several players who had been previous members of the course, which proved to be our downfall. A tight and very hilly course with undulating greens and tough par 3’s challenged our team resulting with a loss of 2.5 to 5.5.

Worcestershire were fabulous hosts and everyone came off having enjoyed the course and the company, which to be honest is what this is all about. My sincere thanks to our president Pat Mumford for her help and support on the day and for playing a friendly game with Karen Smith due to our last match being cancelled following two of their players being taken ill. 

Carol Alford 23rd June 2022

SVLGA Championship - Mon  13th June 2022 - Results

Champion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sally Sketcher, Trentham. Best gross 84

Best Nett   

Alison Scase, Aston Wood.  70

Division 1 winner - Jennie Flower, Leek.  75

Division 1 R/up - Maria Pritchard. Beau Desert.

Division 2 winner - Pam Keates . 76

Division 2 R/up - Nicky Whitton, Aston Wood.   77

Doreen Banks Salver - Ann Partridge, Oxley Park.  Gross 99.

Well done to all who took part, and particularly the winners. Yes, they were tricky greens and pins. 

For full results go to the Competitions page

Nicky Whitton       SVLGA Secretary  13th June 2022

SVLGA 1st team V Warwickshire - Mon 30th May 2022

Our first cup match saw Staffordshire host Warwickshire at Oxley Park gc on 30th May and the 1st team enjoyed their scratch match against a competitive group of ladies. We were victorious with a 5-3 win and enjoyed fine hospitality from our host club.

Well done Oxley Park and your staff for being so accomodating.

Jules and my match came across the putting prowess of the well celebrated Sue Westall who knew many of her vets team when they were juniors, having been a vet for over 30 years. She still had the 'je ne sait quoi' having played in her heyday off 0.5 and we lost our game on the 17th. Here's to our next match and thankyou ladies for your continued support of the SVLGA

Mandy Ambert Lady Captain 2022     30th May 2022

SUPER 70's results

To see the full results of the Super 70's today at Bloxwich - Click  HERE

Ann Partridge    Competition Secretary 

23rd May 2022

2nd Team match Staffordshire Vs Leicestershire & Rutland

Wolstanton Golf Club were marvellous hosts for our first match of the season on the 11th May. Sadly, the weather gods were not looking down on us and it continued to rain heavily for most of the matches. However, the rain did not dampen our spirits or resolve. As captain of the 2nd team, I hadn’t anticipated playing, but having used up all my reserves and receiving a phone call at 8.30 on the morning from one of my players who had been taken poorly, it was a case of throwing the clubs in the car along with all my paperwork.

I was truly grateful for the help and support given from our President Pat, Captain Mandy and Past Captain Chris on the day. Having trusted and experienced hands made it easier to co-ordinate the day and ensure everything ran smoothly. I even managed to see several players off before donning my waterproofs on and playing with my fun partner Elizabeth Allen. I can honestly say I’ve never laughed so much in a match, the stories exchanged were hilarious – but what goes on tour stays on tour.

I’m pleased to see that one of our players who forgot her golf shoes (and didn’t realise she hadn’t got them on until the first tee) went on won her match in style – perhaps sparkly silver golf shoes are the way to go!

Having never played the course before it proved to be a challenging course but I’m pleased to report Staffordshire were the victors on the day with 4.5 to 3.5.

Lots of new friends were made on the day, great camaraderie amongst the players with fabulous hosts at Wolstanton. Our thanks to their greenkeeping staff in keeping the course playable and to their chef Barrie and his team for the superb food

Carol Alford      2nd team Captain 2 0th May 2022 

SVLGA 1st team match v Shropshire.

17th May saw a 1st team friendly match between Staffordshire and Shropshire away at a sun-kissed Shrewsbury gc.  After coffee and danish pastries we set to the task of our respective matches knowing we had a challenge, as all of our teams, bar one, were giving many shots to the opposition.

The course and hospitality were on point and each player fed back of their level of enjoyment and camaraderie. We lost but a respectable 3.5 to 4.5 with each match being very close.

I’d like to thank Chris Pettitt and Carol Alford for their support for the day and Shropshire’s Lady Captain Di Edwards for her hospitality. We came away with smiles on our faces, having made some new friends. Here’s to our home fixture for 2023.

Mandy Ambert      SVLGA First team Captain  17 th May 2022


Ladies - Please note that the Virgin Bank Accouint is now closed.  Please do not try to use it.

Details of the new bank account have been sent to the delegates and is on the posters for the competitions.

14th May 2022

SVLGA Third Team v Northamptonshire at Northampton G.C. (A) – 9 May 2022

We received a warm welcome from Northampton Golf Club for our first Friendly 3rd Team Match of the season against Northamptonshire.

Unfortunately, our start time was delayed by around half an hour due to a Seniors Match running over into our tee times.  All 8 Teams patiently waited for their later tee time and set off in lovely weather to play 4BBB Match Play (90% of Course Handicap. Difference taken off lowest Playing Handicap who plays off zero).

All but one SVLGA Match were giving shots away to our opponents.  Despite that, our ladies fought hard.  Some matches were very close and the result could have gone either way.  It was a tense wait for the final score to reveal the match had been halved (4/4).

Thank you to all the Team for playing in the match.  Very well done.  

My thanks to Northamptonshire Captain Lizzie Crow for arranging and hosting the match.  Also to Captain Mandy and President Pat (who also played in the match) for their support. 

Chris Pettitt
SVLGA Third Team Captain (Immediate Past Captain)

10th May 2022

SUPER 70's 

Ladies, we need your support. - We are hosting the inaugural Super 70's competition at Bloxwich on Mon 23rd May, but need more entries. If you are interested and eligible (over 70), please let your rep know, so you can be included.

Nicky Whitton 

SVLGA Secretary 

May 5th 2022

New Bank Account details  

I’m pleased to say we now have a new bank account with the National Westminster Bank.   (Live from 6th April 2022)

Community account with no charges!

Name of the account is the same


SORT CODE                        01-01-38

ACCOUNT NUMBER.       25417592

Wendy Lewis - Treasurer.

May 5th 2022

GOOD NEWS - Access to website re-instated.

SVLGA - New Bank Account

The association are transferring to a new Natwest Community Club bank account on 16th April 2022. 

Details of new Sort Code and Account will be sent to the delegates, and posters updated when we have the informaton.

Payments to the association before the 16th April will continue, as normal.

Molly Creek - Update

The “Service of Celebration” for Mrs Molly Creek will be held at All Saints Church, Bednall, starting at 11.30am on Thursday, March 24th 2022.

There will be a small service at the crematorium earlier in the day for immediate family only.

Kind regards,

Nicky Whitton   SVLGA Secretary      Sat 19th March 

Mollie Creek

I am very sad to report that Christine Davies informed me that former Past President of the SVLGA, Mollie Creek passed away yesterday. Christine has said she will keep us updated with any further details.

Nicky Whitton    SVLGA Secretary   Sun 13th March


This year we have introduced a midlayer to our kit. It is the Glenmuir Carina which can be found in the Glenmuir catalogue, priced at £60. This is available to SVLGA members at a discounted price of £38. See Kit order form on the forms tab.

There was an error on the original form that was sent out to selected team players, as the price quoted did not include VAT. 

Apologies. If you would like to order the midlayer it is £38 (including VAT)

13th Feb 2022

FAREWELL to the President


The AGM on Monday saw us wish well to Anne Andrews as she had completed her 2 years in the role .                                                                                            Outgoing Captain Chris Pettitt is pictured presenting Anne with her plant. 

Anne introduced the new president to the meeting, Pat Mumford. Pat was born in North Manchester and settled in Brewood, Staffordshire in 1986. Pat took up golf when her youngest daughter Emily started to learn in 2001. and both joined Oxley park.

Pat has been lady captain at Oxley Park and served on the county vets committee, previously,  as Secretary for 5 years. She is well qualified to take over the role as President, and we wish her well in the new role. 

We are also saying farewell to Bev Hensley, who leaves committee after serving as Vice Captain, Captain and Past Captain, over the last 3 years,  and to Jayne Fletcher who leaves after serving 4 years on committee. Thank-you both for your service.

We welcome to the committee Carol Alford, as Vice Captain and Jenny Cordon, who is replacing Jayne Fletcher.  

Full details of the committee are found in the SVLGA officials tab.

AGM  Mon 15th November 2021

Thank-you to all the ladies who attended the AGM this morning. The minutes will be posted as soon as completed.

At the meeting there were some changes to the rules of the association. These changes have now been made in the rules section of the website. For details of the changes see below.

Amendment to rules – Nov 2022

Rule 2.iii Currently reads

(iii) New members to have a handicap of 28 or below

Proposed wording

(iii) New members to have a handicap index of 28.4 or below


Rule 2.iv Currently reads

(iv) Current or previous members may become non-playing Associate Members at a reduced fee.

Proposed wording

Current or previous members may become Associate (non-playing) members of the association at any time, paying a reduced fee.

It is suggested that any playing member who may need to take some time out of golf, eg. medical reasons, becomes an associate member to hold their place in the association, otherwise they would need to fulfil the criteria above, to re-join, in the event of any break in the period of membership.


Additional wording to be added to the rules.

Added as item 6 and subsequent items renumbered.

A member can be a member of more than one vets association if they are a member of more than one club, each in different counties. However, they must nominate which county they will represent in vets matches at the start of each season, and can only represent one county in matches.

The individual is, however, eligible to take part in the vets competitions within each county.


For Information

For Staffordshire this is field that says available for matches, on membership renewal. If this is ticked for available for matches the individual cannot represent their other county for matches, in the same season.  

Nov 15th 2021

Friendly match v the Staffordshire gc Senior men 19th October 2021

An annual match pitching the men v the ladies proves always to be an enjoyable get together with fun and laughter held at the Staffordshire golf club. The men truly appreciate the event but we all agreed that to see the course at it’s best and to appreciate its beauty we should reschedule it to Summer time allowing the women a sporting chance

Mandy Ambert - Vice Captain


Handsworth Golf Club hosted the Midland Veteran Ladies Golf Association Team Championships on 11th 12th & 13th October. There were 10 Counties represented with 16 Teams of 4 players taking part in the 3 day event. Six Counties entered 2 Teams (Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire and Warwickshire).

Staffordshire were represented by :

Team 1 - Julie Brown, Debbie Warren, Rachel Horobin, Sue Spencer.

Team 2 - Jenny Deeley, Jayne Fletcher, Anne Fern, Chrissie Fisher.

On the first day (Monday) – All 64 players competed in a Greensome Stableford Competition.

Tuesday was Day 1 of the 36 hole Gross and Nett stroke play competitions and individual events. Best 3 out of 4 scores were counted for both the Gross and Nett Competitions on each day. At the end of the first round Staffordshire (1) were lying second in the Gross Competition. Nottinghamshire (1) led with 239, one ahead of Staffordshire (1) and Worcestershire both on 240.

Wednesday (Day 2 and final day of the event) Nottinghamshire (1) held onto their lead and won the Gross Competition and County Team Championships with 482. Staffordshire (1) in second place with 488 and Worcestershire in third place with 489.

Nett Winners were Leicestershire with 455; second place Shropshire with 458; and third place Warwickshire (1) with 463.

Congratulations to Rachel Horobin for nearest the pin (17th hole) on Tuesday.

All the results are on the MVLGA Website :

Thank you to both Staffordshire Teams for your commitment, dedication and Team spirit whilst playing in the 3 day event, in slightly chilly, occasionally sunny weather on a course playing very long.

Thank you to President (Anne), Vice-Captain (Mandy) and Team Organiser (Sue Simmons) who joined me over the 3 days to support our Teams.

A huge thank you to Sue Simmons for all her hard work over the years co-ordinating the Teams for the Championships. Sue is ‘retiring’ from the Team Organiser role and is handing over to Jayne Fletcher in readiness for next year’s event at Gog Magog (Cambridge).

Good luck to everyone in 2022.

Chris Pettitt    SVLGA Captain 2021

LITTLE  ASTON LADIES in the Pink after winning the Final of the TASKERS.

Congratulations to the ladies of Little Aston who have won the Taskers Trophy.

After 7 matches over the past 6 months the squad of ladies that participated in the Taskers Inter-Club finally lifted the Ian Burtoft Trophy in a nerve wracking final against Lingdale Golf Club at Beeston Fields, Nottingham last Sunday.

It started back in April when lockdown had lifted and they commenced their journey to secure the Taskers Trophy having been runners up in 2019. playing two matches at home against Whittington due to Covid restrictions they went on to beat Aston Wood, Erewash Valley, Lingdale A, and Lees Hall making it into the final against Lingdale B.

Despite the nerves generated by the occasion, the ladies were strong in their matches. At 1-1 in the clubhouse , Jilly Cosgrove headed down the 19th to make it 2-1. Mandy Poxon followed down the 19th with her match. In the meantime Linda Gawthorpe finished her match on the 18th making it 3-1 with still 3 out in the field. It wasn’t long before Mandy Poxon returned from the 1st with thumbs up giving Little Aston the 4-1 they needed to secure the trophy . The eventual score being a convincing 5  1/2 - 1  1/2  win.

The Taskers Tournament covers 7 counties and supports grass roots Junior  golf in all these counties.  Last year they shared £7000 and each county put the funds to some great use in their junior sections.

This is a great tournament for club vets team and should your club wish to enter details are on the Taskers website.

Anne Andrews - President        1st Oct 2021

Mixed AM AM with County Senior Men at The South Staffordshire Golf Club

The annual Mixed AM AM with County Senior Men was held on Wednesday 22 September at The South Staffordshire Golf Club, hosted by County Seniors Captain Colin Woolley. 

Unfortunately, this year the County Senior Men were only able to field a Team of 12 to partner our ladies in the AM AM.  The six Teams played the usual format of 2 Ladies and 2 Gents per Team with Best Lady and Best Gents Stableford score on holes 1-17, and all 4 scores to count on the 18th. 

There were prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place, but all the Teams were aiming for a good score in the hope of being presented with the Mixed Invitation Salver. 

As always it was a great day, with plenty of competitive rivalry between the Teams.  The Course was in excellent condition, and everyone enjoyed the camaraderie and the meal afterwards. 

My thanks to Captain Colin and Chairman Mark for organising the event and their kind hospitality.  Also thanks to The South Staffordshire Golf Club for their warm welcome and excellent food.     

Thank you to everyone for playing, and congratulations to all the winners :

1st             Sue Simmons ; Jenny Smale; Andrew Dathan; Bob Barrett (and winners of the Mixed Invitation Salver) with 82 points

2nd            Corinne Tooth; Bridget Locke; Terry Henwood; Garry Taylor with 80 points

3rd             Bev Chattaway, Jayne Fletcher, Mike Baker, Dave Marshall with 79 points

Chris Pettitt       SVLGA Captain 2021     25th Sept 2021

Committee Vacancies - Coming soon

We will have 2 positions available on committee for members at the AGM in November, so now is the time to discuss with your members, or give some thought to putting yourself forward.

The committee meets in Feb (prior to the delegates meeting), again in June and Sept, and attend the AGM in November.

The posts we are looking to fill are not for officers, just for committee members to support the officers.

If you are interested, or know anyone who might be interested in standing please let me have your nominations by Fri 29th Oct.

Kind regards

Nicky Whitton     SVLGA Secretary  

2nd team Cup match v Worcestershire at Leek gc Aug 23rd 2021

A long trip for many who had travelled from Malvern Hills as we revisited a match previously deferred due to a spike of Covid cases in Leek. Ironically a Worcestershire lady was tested Covid positive and we all had to have lateral flow tests the days following our match.

The closely fought match with respectful rivalry concluded in a 4.5 to 3.5 win for Staffordshire.

Mandy Ambert - Vice Captain

SVLGA 1st Team Retain the Tri-County Trophy

The First Team travelled to Harborne Golf Club on 23 August 2021 to play Warwickshire in our final match of the Tri-County Series (off Scratch). Having won our first match against Worcestershire 7-1 in July, and Warwickshire yet to play Worcestershire, a win would mean we would retain the Glass Lady Trophy.

Pre-Covid, Staffordshire had won the Trophy 11 times since the Competition began in 1999 and for 6 consecutive years from 2014 to 2019. Our 6 ½ to 1 ½ win against Warwickshire meant we had, once again, retained the Trophy.

A huge congratulations to the Team and fantastic achievement for Staffordshire. Very well played everyone who has represented Staffordshire in the Cup Matches this season.

Thank you to Harborne for hosting the match, and Warwickshire Captain Sue Butler for arranging the day.

Chris Pettitt   SVLGA Captain 2021            24th Aug 2021

NELLIE WOOD and Vintage Salver  Mon 16th Aug 2021

Congratulations to all the people who took part in the competition today. Despite the showers everyone enjoyed the day. 

The winner of the Nellie Wood Trophy and Vintage Salver is Val Orme from Lichfield with 37 points.

Div 1 

1st  - Sam Smith -  Brocton - 34 points

2nd - Bev Hensley - Ingestre - 34 points 

3rd - Karan Wood - Lichfield - 33 points

4th - Sally Sketcher - Trentham - 33 points

Div 2 

1st - Anne Bowns - Lichfield - 36 points

2nd - Pat Mumford - South Staffs - 36 points

3rd - Carol Davenport  - Barlaston - 36 points

4th - Angela Hughes - Penn - 35 points.

Thanks to Jean Livingstone, Chris Pettitt, Anne Andrews, and Nicky Whitton for their invaluable help with the booking in and score entry.

Ann Partridge    Competition Secretary      16th Aug 2021

Full results available here - DOWNLOAD

SVLGA Third Team v Derbyshire Bronze Team at Derby Golf Club 9 August 2021

It was a pleasure to look after the Third Team match for Bev against Derbyshire Bronze Team at Derby Golf Club on 9 August. 

The Second Team were also playing Derbyshire Silver Team starting at 10.00 a.m. with the Bronze match following from 10.50 a.m.  

We received a warm welcome from Derby Golf Club and both Derbyshire Captains.  Players were welcomed onto the first tee by the Club’s ‘Official Starter’ smartly attired in his ‘official’ blazer, and the Teams set off in warm sunshine to ‘fight for a win’, with a buffet waiting for them as they finished their match.   

Unfortunately, Derbyshire were only able to field a team of 12 players (6 pairs) for the Bronze match, but all the ladies fought hard for their respective Team.  It was a tense finish as we waited for the last 2 groups to come in with Derbyshire 3-1 up at that point, but Staffordshire ladies won both the final two matches to secure a halved match (3-3). 

Thank you to all the Team for playing, you certainly pulled out all the stops to halve the match.  Very well done to you all, and it was lovely to have the opportunity to meet you. 

Chris Pettitt      SVLGA Captain 2021

Friendly 2nd team match v Derbyshire run alongside 3rd team match 9th Aug  21

A celebration of my birthday on this day saw an enthusiastic welcome for Staffordshire by our hosts and we enjoyed their hospitality. The feedback from our teams was that the Derby gc as a community golf club was very positive and the food was lovely.

A loss for Staffordshire but a well enjoyed day out.

Mandy Ambert - Vice Captain

2nd team Cup match v Warwickshire at Coventry gc August 4th 2021

A contentious match as despite a convincing win, Staffordshire had played off the wrong HI for the format. As Captain, I took responsibility for the error and after a debacle lasting a few weeks the Staffordshire and Warwickshire Presidents agreed that the error was an administrative one and in involving Worcestershire the combined agreement was simply to defer the Morgan Trophy to 2020

A lot learnt on that day plus how all counties could maximise on how easy it is to make an error with the new WHC system and as a result the Counties are looking to how to simplify the process for future years.

Mandy Ambert - Vice Captain

SVLGA First Team v Derbyshire Senior Ladies at Ormonde Fields G.C. 2 Aug 2021

Our final First Team friendly match this season was against Derbyshire Senior Ladies at Ormonde Fields Golf Club on 2 August.  The originally scheduled match for 10 May (at the same venue) had to be re-arranged due to Covid restrictions at the time.

In previous years this match has been played off either Scratch or 90% difference.  For this match the format of 90% of Course Handicap with difference taken off the lowest Playing handicap was requested by the Derbyshire Captain. 

Local knowledge certainly helped playing the course with many doglegs, blind holes, and several elevated greens.  There were some close matches, but unfortunately on this occasion it was a win for Derbyshire – 5 ½ to 2 ½. 

My thanks and appreciation to President Anne for her additional support to her normal ‘match duties’.

Thank you to Ormonde Fields Golf Club for hosting the match and both Teams enjoyed the bacon roll on arrival and 2 course meal afterwards. 

Chris Pettitt         SVLGA Captain 2021

SVLGA First Team v Leicestershire at Newcastle-under-Lyme G.C. 26 July 2021

The weather forecast for the start of this week suggested that there would be cooler playing conditions for our match.  However, this didn’t prove to be the case, with very warm sunshine but a welcome breeze.

This was our first match this season where Covid restrictions had been lifted both on the Course and in the Clubhouse, and there were no time limits for arriving to play or leaving after the meal.  Not everyone is going at the same pace with the easing of restrictions and players made their own choices, preferring to continue with previous rules. 

Unfortunately, Leicestershire could only field a Team of 14 for the match, but the mixed handicap Teams playing 4BBB - 90% difference off lowest course handicap, fought to win their matches.  There were some very close matches with 4 going to the 18th and I am delighted to announce that Staffordshire won 4 ½ - 2 ½.    Thank you to all the SVLGA Team. Very well played ladies. 

My thanks to the President (Anne) for starting the Teams off the first tee and Vice-Captain (Mandy) for her support on the day.  Also to Leicestershire Captain (Corinne Boyd) who was a pleasure to work with arranging the match. 

Thank you to everyone at Newcastle Golf Club for their very warm welcome and their excellent communication and prompt responses during organising the match. Both Teams enjoyed the course and the meal afterwards. 

Chris Pettitt        SVLGA Captain 2021

Captain’s Day - 15 July 2021 

It was my pleasure to welcome everyone to Branston Golf & Country Club on 15 July.  The weather couldn’t have been better, but from the chatter at the Gazebo the pin positions could have been!  Despite that it was very nice to hear positive comments and compliments about the course.  

Thank you to all the Staffs Vets who supported the day.  I was overwhelmed by all the gifts, cards and good wishes. 

The support I had from everyone at Branston and the Staffs Vets who gave up their time to help make the day a great success was very much appreciated.  Thank you Ann, Jean, Wendy & Nicky.  

Special thanks go to my husband Richard for taking on Starter’s duties for the whole day and Irene and Margaret for working hard at the Gazebo.  Trudie for helping on the desk, running errands, and getting the coffee stains out of my Vets Shirt!    

I had a great day meeting you all at the Gazebo and thank you all for making it such a special day to remember.  

Congratulations to all the winners.  (see below)

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SVLGA Captain 2021

Captains Day at Branston - Thurs 15th July 2021 Results

1st.      76 points - Branston   Helen Hall, Annabelle Mallaber, Ann Cregan

2nd.    75 points on back 9 - Branston  Penny Small, Desley Smith, Di Horsley

3rd.     75 points - Penn  Angela Hughes, Jo Hall, Jan Philpott

Best front 9.     40 points - Branston  Sarah Shaw, Sara Allen,Trudie Hanson

Best back 9.    36 points on countback - Branston Nina Snelson, Jenney Hollis, Carol Alford 

16th July 2021

SVLGA Captain v Vice-Captain (Snelson Trophy)at Ingestre Park GC 12 July 2021

The weather was on our side when 40 Staffs Vets returned to Ingestre Park Golf Club on 12 July for the annual competition between the Captain’s Select Team (1st Team players) and Vice-Captain’s Select Team (2nd Team Players and Committee). 

The format is a 4BBB Pairs Stableford Competition with 2 Captain’s Team and 2 Vice-Captain’s Team players making up the fourball.  The Snelson Trophy is awarded to the Team with the highest combined Stableford points.  Pressure was on for the Captain’s Team to retain the Trophy they won in 2019, and which could not be contested last year due to the pandemic. 

This is the only time during the season the 2 Teams have the opportunity to play against each other, and from the chatter on and off the course it was evident that they were enjoying the day – but also keeping their focus on winning points for their Team!      

The match was very close and there were some excellent scores from both Teams with top score being 44 points.  With a small margin of 11 points, the final result was in favour of the Captain’s Team who retained the Snelson Trophy with a combined Stableford Score of 372 points to Vice-Captain’s Team Stableford Score of 361 points.  

Thank you all for playing and making the event very special and enjoyable for both Team Captains.    Thanks also to Vice-Captain Mandy for sourcing some ‘goodies’ for both Teams, and Immediate Past Captain Bev and Jules for their help on the day. 

Also thanks to everyone at Ingestre Park for hosting the match once again for this event.

Well done my Team !!, and thank you to everyone for making the day a great success.

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SVLGA Captain 2021

Snelson’s trophy at Ingestre gc July 12th 2021

A closely fought match and congratulations go to Chris Pettit our captain for winning this year.

Ingestre gc enjoying some changes to their course as HS2 impacts on some of their holes. Changes evident at this time on the 18th hole soon to be a par 3 with a water feature.

Mandy Ambert - Vice Captain

Match v Leicestershire at Lingdale gc 8th July 2021

A convincing win for Staffordshire 6.5-1.5 with a backdrop of sunshine and warmth.

Great camaraderie and hospitality. Clear instructions regarding Covid restrictions. Good feedback from the players regarding the course and the food. They all enjoyed the spirit in which their respective games were played

Thanks go to their Captain for hosting the match and Leicestershire’s president for playing 9 hole with me.  

Mandy Ambert - Vice Captain

SVLGA 1st Team v Worcestershire & Herefordshire at Branston G.C. 6 July 2021 (Cup Match)

This was the first Cup match of the season for the Inter-County Trophy, which is played between Staffordshire/Warwickshire/Worcestershire & Hereford off Scratch.

The match was played at Branston Golf & Country Club on 6 July against Worcestershire & Herefordshire.  Despite the weather being very overcast and blustery whilst the Teams were teeing off, the day slowly turned into bright sunshine and the forecasted rain held off until our journey home.

There were some convincing wins and tighter matches resulting in a 7-1 win for Staffordshire.  An outstanding performance from all the Team.

My thanks to President Anne and Vice Captain Mandy for their support at the match too. 

Our match against Warwickshire is scheduled for 23 August at Harborne.  

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SVLGA Captain 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10th July 2021

VETS CHAMPIONSHIP  Mon 14th June 2021 at Great Barr

On another bright sunny day the ladies of Staffordshire Vets went to Great Barr to compete for the Championship.

Retaining the trophy as Champion golfer was Julie Brown with a gross (and Nett) score of 72.

Nett Champion was Sam Smith an impressive score of Nett 69 (Gross 80)

The winner of Division 1 was Helen Jessop (11)  Nett 71

With Elizabeth Brammeld (17) Nett 75 in 2nd place

The winner of Division 2 was Sharon Macintosh (26) Nett 72

With Pam Burton (23) Nett 75 in 2nd place.

The winner of the Doreen Banks Salver was Di Gillen, who like Julie retained the trophy.

Well done to all the prize winners for their sterling performance, to all the competitors for taking part, to our competition secretary Ann Partridge for all the organising and to our President Anne and Captain Chris for their support on the desk.

Many thanks also to Great Barr for hosting the competition and their president for undertaking the role of starter. Also to the greenstaff who presented the course for the championship, with some very challenging pin positions, and to the catering staff who did a great job keeping us fed and watered under covid restrictions.

For a full list of results 

Gross results download

Nett resuts download

SVLGA First Team v MVLGA President’s Select at Ingestre G.C. (H)

8 June 2021

The inaugural match of this event was first held in 2019 at Edgbaston unfortunately, the return home match was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020.  Our first attempt to re-arrange the match on 6 April 2021 was also affected by Covid restrictions.  However, we were successful in re-arranging the match for 8 June where we welcomed the MVLGA President’s Select Team to Ingestre in glorious sunshine.  

Both Teams fielded 12 players with their lowest handicaps available, to play the 4BBB match off scratch.  Despite the SVLGA Team’s valiant effort we were unable to secure a win on this occasion with MVLGA President’s Select Team winning 5–1    Thank you to all the SVLGA Team for putting up a great fight against a very strong MVLGA Team. 

Thank you to MVLGA President Sue Timberlake who was a pleasure to work with re-arranging the match.  Also to Ingestre for hosting the match and Caterer (Paul) for the excellent food. 

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                    SVLGA Captain 2021

Presidents Day - 7th June 2021.

Little Aston Golf Club  3 Ball alliance Stableford

Our President Anne Andrews arranged the sun to shine for a lovely day at Little Aston.

With a full field proceedings got underway at 8.00am with the last ones going out at 3pm.

Warmly welcomed by our president Anne, vets members received their cards from the hut, and were given full instructions from the starters on the tee. We were then treated to delicious cakes and prossecco at the halfway house. Thank-you Anne.

Many thanks to Ann Partridge for all her hard work planning the day, for all the starters, car park attendants, helpers in the hut and half way house and catering and green staff at Little Aston.

Positive feedback was received from competitors handing in the completed scorecards. Every-one seem to enjoy the day, but felt they could have played better.

Those that did well were the prize winners listed below.

1st Place Amanda Bingham, Jane Hands and Jackie Newport (Little Aston) 73 points

2nd Place Chris Pettitt, Carol Alford and Trudie Hanson (Branston) 72 Points

3rd Place Helen Jessop, Lesley Hawker-Hammond (The Manor)  Elizabeth Brammeld (Leek Westwood)  71 points

Best Front 9 Karan Wood, Val Orme, Nicky Penny (Lichfield) 37 points(on countback)

Best back 9 Sally Adamson, Pauline Taylor, Rachel Moseley (Little Aston) 38 points

Download    A full list of the scores 

Mon June 7th 2021

SVLGA First Team v County Second Team at Penn G.C. (A)  27 May 2021

The pre-season ‘Away’ match v County Second Team was originally scheduled for 13 April at Brocton, but due to Covid restrictions had to be postponed and re-arranged for 27 May at Penn. 

The 8 players in each team set out in warm sunshine and dry conditions to ‘hone’ in on their match play skills for the season ahead. The 4 matches were played as 4BBB Match Play in Handicap Index order off Scratch and resulted in a 3-1 win for the SVLGA First Team.  Very well played ladies. 

Thank you to Penn G.C. for hosting the match and Second Team Captain Bridget Locke for organising the event.

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                    SVLGA Captain 2021

SVLGA Third Team v Northamptonshire 25th May 2021

After a long layoff with COVID and Lockdown we finally got to host and play our first match against Northamptonshire at Sandwell Golf Club. The sun was shinning and the course was looking wonderful even thought all the bunkers were GUR due to heavy rain over the last three days.

Still playing under COVID restrictions and the new handicapping system all players enjoyed being back out there, it was all pretty even at the turn with the scores, well done Staffordshire who fought hard and shone through like the sun at the end winning 6/2. After it was great to be able to have a meal, again under certain restrictions but it was great to hear the laughter and new friendships being made by all, it was nice to think we might be getting back to some sort of normality

Bev Hensley SVLGA Past Captain

SVLGA First Team v Shropshire at Walsall G.C. (H)  17 May 2021

We received a warm welcome from Walsall Golf Club for our first match of the season against Shropshire on first day of Step 3 of the Road Map.

The friendly match was played as a 4BBB Match Play 90% difference off course handicap (Slope Rating 132) and both Teams arrived enthusiastic and looking forward to once again being able to play a Vets match, even though we were under Covid restrictions.

Despite the forecast, the majority of the matches were played in decent weather with only a couple of showers.  Unfortunately the showers increased later in the afternoon to more annoying rain.  One match had to play to the 18th to get a result and were caught in a deluge of heavy rain and hail, but it was a victory for the Staffordshire partnership of Jules and Nicki.  Well done ladies.  

My thanks to the President (Anne), Vice Captain (Mandy) and Immediate Past Captain (Bev) for all their support on the day.  Also to Shropshire Captain (Jan Sheargold) who was a pleasure to work with arranging the day and a formidable opponent in our match.    

I am delighted and proud to announce that Staffordshire won 5 ½ - 2 ½. 

Thank you to all the Team. Very well done and a great start to the season. 

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                    SVLGA Captain 2021

Sue Barker

It is with sadness I have to inform you of the passing of Sue Barker. Sue was a member of Whittington Heath and a past captain of Staffordshire Vets (2008). Sue was a great supporter of the county, and often served as a caddy. Sue died peacefully (not of Covid) on Sun March 28th. She ended her days in a nursing home, unfortunately suffering with dementia for the last year or so.

Details of her funeral are not known at this stage. But will be posted on the website when we have any news.


First Team Matches :

SVLGA v MVLGA President’s Select (originally scheduled for 6 April at Ingestre G.C.)  -  RE-ARRANGED for 8 June at Ingestre G.C. - tee times tba

SVLGA v County Second Team on 13 April at Penn G.C.(A) - (APRIL DATE CANCELLED - Fixture may be re-arranged)

SVLGA v Derbyshire on 10 May at Ormonde Field G.C. (A) - ( POSTPONED - Derbyshire trying to find new venue for 2nd August)

SVLGA v Shropshire on 17 May at Walsall G.C. (H) - first tee 10.30 a.m. - (currently will go ahead as planned)

Second Team Match :

SVLGA v Leicestershire (A) (originally scheduled for 13 May at Charnwood Forest G.C.) -  RE-ARRANGED for 8 July at Lingdale G.C. - first tee 11.00 a.m.

Third Team Match : 

SVLGA v Northamptonshire (H) - first tee 11.00 a.m. on 25 May at Sandwell Park G.C.   (currently will go ahead as planned)

Best Wishes

Chris Pettitt                                                                                                                                                                                        24th Mar 2021

Revised date for 1st team Match V MVLGA President select

Please note revised date of match. Was Tues 6th April NOW Tues 8th June still at Ingestre Park.

 18 Mar 2021

Latest update re: Matches April and May

This is a quick note to update you regarding April and May matches following the Government’s announcement of the Roadmap out of Lockdown.

Team Captains are currently looking at the feasibility of being able to hold the matches in April and May in accordance with the Steps outlined in the Roadmap and guidance from England Golf and host Clubs.

Players selected for April and May matches will be contacted as soon as more information is available.  

First Team Matches :

SVLGA v MVLGA President’s Select on 6 April at Ingestre  (Postponed)

SVLGA v County Second Team on 13 April at Penn - (under review)

SVLGA v Derbyshire on 10 May at Ormonde Field - (under review)

SVLGA v Shropshire on 17 May at Walsall - (under review)

Second Team Match :

SVLGA v Leicestershire on 13 May at Charnwood Forest (under review)

Third Team Match

SVLGA v Northamptonshire on 25 May at Sandwell Park (under review)

27th Feb 2021

Delegates Feb Meeting Cancelled.

Unfortunately we will not be able to hold the annual delegates meeting in February this year. At this moment it is difficult to project when we will be able to get together so the plan is that the committee will hold a zoom meeting and communication will be sent electronically to the delegates for onward transmission.

We will also make arrangements for you to receive the Posters and fixture cards that you would normally collect at the meeting.

If you have anything that you would like raising at the meeting can you please let me know either by email or tel 0121 353 9943 before Mon 1st  February.

Kind regards

Nicky Whitton                                                                                                                                                                                SVLGA Secretary on behalf of the committee.                                                                                                                                  8th Jan 2021 

Changes to Committee members 2021

Thank–you for returning your voting slips for election of officers, we can now welcome the new members of the 2020/2021 committee

Captain Chris Pettitt, (Branston)

Vice Captain Mandy Ambert (Trentham)

Fixture Secretary Helen Jessop (The Manor)

MVLGA rep Lorraine Barker (Great Barr)

Let’s hope that 2021 is a better year for us all, a successful year with lots of good golf.

Our thanks go to our past Captain, Bev Hensley. Her year was not what was expected, but Bev enjoyed it.

Thanks also to our immediate past captain Jules Heath for all her support. 

Many thanks to our retiring Fixture Secretary Jean Greenhalgh after 6 years in the post. Jean had a particularly busy year this year cancelling and rearranging all the 2020 fixtures for 2021. Thank-you Jean. Jean will be handing over to Helen Jessop over the next few weeks.

Chris Hopkins is also retiring from the post of MVLGA rep having undertaken the job for a number of years. Chris will be missed at the events, but has already been talking to her successor Lorraine Barker.

We wish Chris Pettitt good luck in her role as Captain, and Mandy, Helen and Lorraine all the best in their new roles.

Please see the events section for details of next year’s competitions.

24th November 2020

Vacant Posts  

I am pleased to report that we have had names to fill the vacant posts. We are just awaiting approval of election of officers following the AGM on Monday 16th Nov to announce the new committee.

16th Nov 2020

Vacant Posts

From November the association will require a new Fixture Secretary as Jean Greenhalgh is due to retire having served her term.

Also we will require a new MVLGA Representative, as Chrissie Hopkins is looking to stand down, after many years in the role.

Job descriptions for both posts can be found on the County Vets part of the Staffs Golf website, under the new tab, Vets roles.­_roles.

If you may be interested or want to know more information please do not hesitate to contact the current post holders (contact details on the website), or any members of the committee.

Please also let your own club members know about the forthcoming vacancies, as they may wish to get more involved with the county vets.

30th Aug 2020


Doreens funeral is to be held at St Dominics RC Church, Stone, at 11am on Tues 8th Sept. 

Can you please let me know if you intend to attend, as numbers are still limited for funerals.

email ;-

Kind regards                                                                                                                                                                                    Nicky Whitton                                                                                                                                                                                SVLGA Secretary                                                                                                                                                                              24th Aug 2020


It is with sadness that I have to inform you of the passing of one of our former presidents.

Doreen Thompson a member of Trentham Park, president of SVLGA 2004/2005, passed away on Tues 18th August. Doreen was in her 90’s and ended her days in a nursing home.

We do not have the details of her funeral at present.

Kind regards

Nicky Whitton

SVLGA Secretary   July 13th 2020

Nellie Wood and The Championship 2020 Cancelled due to Covid

It is with regret I am informing you that the Nellie Wood and Championship are cancelled for 2020.

Taking into account the safety and wellbeing of our members, the staff and members at the hosting clubs and the restrictions around running an event, I am sure you will agree that we have no other choice.

We look forward to seeing you all in 2021 when hopefully things will have returned to normal. Until then stay safe, and enjoy playing golf at your home club, with your bubble of friends.

May 22nd  2020

Latest Update

Unfortunately Bev has had to cancel her Captains Day scheduled for 17th July, as it is highly unlikely it could go ahead with the current restrictions.

As stated in our previous communication we do hope that we will be able to run the Nellie Wood on Friday 28th August at South Staffs and the Championship on the new revised date of Monday 7th Sept at Handsworth.

For information, the closing date for entries for the Nellie Wood will be 14th August  and the closing date for the Championship will be August 24th

The posters on the website are updated if you wish to print a copy for your locker rooms when they open.

Stay safe and well

Happy Golfing

SVLGA Committee

SVLGA Remaining Matches and Events 2020

14 May 2020

Dear Ladies

SVLGA Remaining Matches and Events 2020

Firstly, we hope you are all keeping safe and well during this ongoing pandemic.

Over the past few weeks we have been keeping a close eye on the situation relating to returning to Golf.  We now also have the new regulations set out by England Golf to help Clubs to re-open their doors to allow us to start playing again.  Also during this time, discussions have taken place as to how to proceed with our remaining events and matches.

As a Committee our utmost concern is the safety of our members, therefore we have taken the difficult decision to cancel all remaining 1st, 2nd & 3rd Team matches for 2020.  This decision has not been taken lightly, but taking into account social distancing measures, number of people being able to play at any one time, catering and travelling, everything is still very uncertain.

Clubs, quite rightly, will want to get their courses open and thriving once more for their members, with the hope of salvaging a few Club Competitions at the latter end of the year, if possible.

We are hoping all courses that would have hosted our matches this year will be keen to have these fixtures carried forward to 2021.

We are keeping a hopeful eye on the situation to see if we will be able to still hold the Nellie Wood Competition on 28th August, Vets Championships on 7th September and the MVLGA Team Championships 5th/8th October.

It is with a heavy heart that we have had to make this decision, but would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and look forward to welcoming you all back to our events and matches in 2021.

Please Play Safe, Stay Safe and hopefully enjoy getting back to playing the game we all love.

Anne Andrews                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      President SVLGA (on behalf of the Committee)


It is with great sadness that one of our past presidents Cynthia Andrews passed away peacefully on Fri 17th April aged 96 years. Cynthia had been a member of Little Aston golf club for 45 years and previously at Whittington and Moor Hall. She was also a past captain of Warwickshire. 

Cynthia always maintained her interest in golf and particularly the county, and was thrilled when her daughter in law Anne became President of the Vets last November. Cynthia was a very social character and will be sorely missed

COVID 19 UPDATE  - The Championship - Postponed

The SVLGA Committee hope that you and your families are all keeping well and safe during this difficult time.

Following our previous communication that all competitions and matches would be cancelled until the end of May the committee feel that, in these uncertain times, we have no option other than to postpone the Vets Championship scheduled to take place on Mon 8th June.

We are saying postpone, rather than cancel, as we hope to be able to reschedule for later in the year. Obviously, none of us know when things will return to normal, and even if this competition can be accommodated at a later date, but your committee will do what we can to make it happen, if possible.

The website will be kept updated, as we receive any further updates.   

Stay safe and well

SVLGA Committee

Subject : URGENT - SVLGA Events and Matches 2020 and Coronavirus

We hope you are all keeping well in the ’challenging times’ that COVID-19 is presenting.

Having heard the new restrictions announced by the Government and in-line with the actions undertaken by Staffs County earlier today, the Vets Committee are in agreement to the following:-

All matches until the end of May will be cancelled.   

1st team matches

Tues 7th April   v MVLGA Presidents Select

Tues 14th April v County 2nd team

Weds  6th May v  Shropshire

Mon  11th May v  Derbyshire Seniors

2nd team matches

Thur 14th May v Leicestershire

3rd team matches

Tues 19th May v Northamptonshire

As the Championship is scheduled for Mon 8th June we request that you still send in your entries, as normal, and a decision will be taken in the middle of May, dependent on the situation at that time.

As the situation is changing rapidly we will keep members (via delegates and the website) informed should any further changes occur.

Stay safe

Anne Andrews                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      President SVLGA  (on behalf of the committee)

Vacant Posts

From November the association will require a new Fixture Secretary as Jean Greenhalgh is due to retire having served her term.

Also we will require a new MVLGA Representative, as Chrissie Hopkins is looking to stand down, after many years in the role.

Job descriptions for both posts can be found on the County Vets part of the Staffs Golf website, under the new tab, Vets roles.­_roles.

If you may be interested or want to know more information please do not hesitate to contact the current post holders (contact details on the website), or any members of the committee.

Please also let your own club members know about the forthcoming vacancies, as they may wish to get more involved with the county vets.

Competition closing dates

Whilst we encourage all delegates to get their competition entries in early, we have agreed to extend the closing dates for the Captains Day and Nellie Wood trophy competitions, from the dates on the fixture card and posters.

The closing date for Captain’s day is now Friday 5th June 2020

and the closing date for the Nellie Wood is now Friday 17th July 2020

However the closing date for the Championship will remain as Sunday 19th April 

Kind regards

Nicky Whitton   SVLGA Secretary

Date for your diaries

Firstly, the committee would like to wish all Staffordshire vets a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, healthy and good golfing year in 2020. Many thanks to all the delegates who have provided details of their members so far, and a gentle reminder to everyone else that they are due in by the end of the year.

The date for your diaries is Mon 10th Feb 2020 for the delegates meeting,and we look forward to seeing you all there.

New Committee for 2019/2020

Welcome to the members of the 2019/2020 committee

President Anne Andrews (Little Aston),

Captain Mrs Bev Hensley (Ingestre Park Golf Club),

Vice Captain Mrs Chris Pettitt, ((Branston)

I’m sure everyone wishes them all a happy and successful 2020 with lots of good golf.

Our thanks go to our past Captain, Mrs Jules Heath. She has had very successful and happy year and provided invaluable support to the association and all the teams.

Thanks also to our immediate past captain Christine Davies for all her support. 

Many thanks to our retiring Secretary Pat Mumford and retiring Competitions secretary Sue Simmons for all their hard work and dedication over the last five years. They will be missed on committee.

We wish our new Secretary Nicky Whitton and new competitions secretary Ann Partridge every success in their new roles.

MVLGA Team Championship - 2019

This year, on the 7th, 8th and 9th October, the Midland Veteran Ladies Golf Association Team Championship was held at Kings Norton Golf Club in Worcestershire. Once again there were 11 Counties represented with 18 teams of four players taking part.  The weather on the first two days produced one or two showers but thankfully it managed to stay dry on the final day. With all the recent wet weather the course was playing very long but some great golf was played and good scores achieved.

On the first day, as always, the players all take part in a Greensome Stableford competition and this year our duo of Sue Spencer and Sally Sketcher took the first prize - well done ladies!

The second day was the first round of the team event and our Staffordshire teams excelled themselves with the first team leading by 24 shots, Norfolk team 1 lying second and Staffordshire second team lying in 3rd place.

The third day was the second and final round of the Championship and another excellent days golf was played. Our first team comprising of Julie Brown, Debbie Warren, Jenny Deeley and Sue Spencer had another great day and brought home the Championship Trophy for the fifth time in six years - well done to you all!
Our second team comprising of Caroline Corrigan, Bev Chattaway, Sally Sketcher and Corinne Tooth also had an excellent third days golf and managed to move up into second place winning the Runners-up Team Gross prize. Excellent result!
The Angela Duck Trophy (Best Individual Gross 36 Holes) was won by Debbie Warren and the Individual Best Gross on day three was won by Julie Brown.
Sue Spencer won nearest the pin prize on day two and Julie Brown won nearest the pin prize on day three.
Very well done to all the players - we are so fortunate to have so many great players in Staffordshire and we are so proud of you all and thank you for your commitment and dedication! Great team spirit!

Many thanks also to our Captain Jules Heath, President Diane Gillen, MVLGA delegate Chrissie Hopkins and Jayne Fletcher (who was injured out of this year's event) for all their support and help throughout the duration of the Championship. Very much appreciated!

Another excellent finale to a great year for Staffordshire Vets!!

Captains Report

The weather during this last week has resulted in many a game of golf being cancelled due to the wet conditions. On Thursday morning the greens staff at Ingestre Park worked hard to get the course opened and after a half hour delay we were able to go out and play this years Mixed Invitation AM AM with the County Senior Men. Whilst we didn't escape some heavy downpours we all managed to play the full eighteen holes and then enjoy each others company in the warm and dry clubhouse whilst dining.

The meal was followed by the presentation of the new salver to  Bridget Locke, Lynn Gray, David Marshall & Michael Bates with a score of 75pts winning with a better back nine from second placed Jules Heath, Bev Hensley, Mark Ashton & Kevin Collins.

The M.V.L.G.A Team Championships take place at Kings Norton Golf Club on 7th - 9th October and Staffs Vets have two teams entered.

Team 1 : Julie Brown, Debbie Warren, Jenny Deeley & Sue Spencer.

Team 2: Caroline Corrigan, Bev Chattaway, Sally Sketcher & Corinne Tooth.

Myself, Di Gillen, Jayne Fletcher & Chrissie Hopkins will be there for the three days supporting them in what will hopefully be a successful defence of the title. If any members fancy coming along to support our teams and see some excellent golf being played then further details of the event may be found on the M.V.L.G.A. Website.                                                             

Jules Heath


2nd team v Worcerstershire

On Wednesday 18th September we got to play our last rearranged cup match at Droitwich Golf Club against Worcestershire with not a drop of rain in sight , with glorious sunshine and a well presented course it set the stage for a great match as both teams had beaten Warwickshire earlier on in the season which meant the winning team today would win the Morgan trophy, at the turn it was all level we watch some great golf played by both sides on the back nine but I feel home advantage and course knowledge paid off in the end it was neck and neck and left to the last two matches to decide the winners unfortunately Worcestershire ended up winning 5/3 to retain the Morgan Trophy Congratulations to Janice and her team but it was a great effort buy Staffordshire. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the ladies who have played in the team this year especially those who filled in last minute, it has been a pleasure and an honour to captain such a committed, friendly and enthusiastic team of ladies and wish you good luck in 2020

2019 AGM

The date of the 2019 AGM is Monday 18th November at Brocton Hall Golf Club 11.00 am.

2nd team v Warwickshire

The weather this year has not been kind to us meaning our match against Derbyshire was cancelled due to heavy overnight rain the course was closed . We finally got to play one of our rearranged Cup matches at Walsall Golf Club against Warwickshire and the rain decided it wanted to take part again but that did not dampen our spirits and determination ,at the turn we were pretty much all level but the sun did decide to come out which started to warm up both us and the matches , there was some great golf played by all but well done to my ladies they dug deep and pulled off a great result of 
4.1/2 to 3.1/2 to Staffordshire.

Bev Hensley SVLGA 2nd Team Captain 

The Championship 2019

The Championship for 2019 was held at Drayton Park Golf Club on Friday 30th August.
The weather on the day was dry and warm but very blustery, to say the least! The wind certainly made tricky conditions even trickier as most of us found.

The Championship Trophy was won by Julie Brown (Trentham) with 75 Gross.
The winner of the Doreen Banks Salver was, for the third year in a row, Diane Gillen (Stone) with 93 Gross.
Best Nett was won by Jill Tranter (Bloxwich) with 71 Nett.
1st Silver Division  -  Elaine Dorrington (Beau Desert) with 74 Nett
2nd Silver Division -  Sue Spencer (Whittington Heath) with 75 Nett (B9 37)
1st Bronze Division -  Sue Butler (Uttoxeter) with 74 Nett
2nd Bronze Division - Jan Baker (Brocton Hall) with 76 Nett
Congratulations to all the prizewinners!

Our thanks go to Drayton Park Golf Club for allowing us to host our Championship at their club. Thanks also to the Greens Staff for their hard work and the Catering and Bar Staff for looking after us so well on the day. My thanks to Chris Allsop and Jean Livingston for working so hard all day on the desk - thank you ladies. Also thank you to Ann Partridge who assisted me on the day. 

Sue Simmons 
(Comp Sec)

1st Team versus Leicestershire & Rutland

On Monday 19th August we travelled to The Leicestershire Golf Club to play our friendly match against Leicestershire & Rutland. The format was 4BBB 90% difference and the handicaps were closely matched in the majority of matches.  The weather was changeable with spells of glorious sunshine interspersed with heavy downpours.

Unfortunately we suffered our first defeat of the season with only Sue Simmons & Elaine Dorrington coming in with a convincing 5 & 4 win and  Sue Spencer & Jules Heath halving their match resulting in a 61/2 - 11/2 loss.

Jules Heath    SVLGA Captain

Staffs Vets First Team Retain the Inter- County Cup

Having won our first cup match against Worcestershire 51/2 - 21/2 back in May a win against Warwickshire on 5th August would mean that Staffs would secure the Inter County Cup for the 6th consecutive year.

Despite four of our players being selected  to play for the Midlands Vets  team in the Jamboree we managed to field a strong team and came out victors 41/2 - 31/2. The match was very closely fought with three matches being halved, two of these being the last two matches, nail biting stuff!

Congratulations ladies, well played everyone.

Jules Heath

Mrs Doreen Banks

It is with great sadness that we have to tell members that Mrs Doreen Banks passed away on Thurday 25th July, 2019 after a long illness.

Doreen had been Staffordshire County Secretary and also County Captain in 1993/94 when Staffordshire Ladies won the English County Championships.  

She had also been President of the Staffordshire County Ladies and Staffordshire Veteran Ladies Golf Association and for many years was Staffordshire’s representative of the Midland Vets.  She is was an honorary member Oxley Park Golf Club, County Ladies, County Vets and Midland Vets.

She was a member of Oxley Park Golf Club for over 50 years. Doreen played regular golf into her late eighties and had her first hole in one at Oxley Park the age of 85 .

She was well known for both her after dinner speaking and her big bag of sweeties which she handed round to players and supporters at Midland and County events. 

She was truly a great lady and will be sorely missed by many.

Her funeral will be held on 29th August at 1:30pm at the West Chapel, Bushbury Crem and afterwards at Oxley Park Golf Club

Lady Captain's Day - July 19th 2019

Our third competition for this year was the Lady Captain's Day which was held at Stafford Castle Golf Club. We had a full field of 105 ladies playing  - being a nine hole course this was the maximum number of competitors we could comfortably accommodate. The morning started off rainy but fortunately it cleared to give us a pleasant afternoon with just the odd shower.

The format of the competition was a Stableford Three Ball Alliance and the results are as follows:-

1st Prize    Yvonne Cope (Barlaston), Jan Williams and Glynis Byatt (Trentham) - 77 points

2nd Prize  Trudie Hanson, Carol Alford and Chris Pettitt (Branston) - 75 points

3rd Prize    Caroline Corrigan, Bev Hensley and Bridget Locke (Ingestre Park) - 73 points

4th Prize    Penny Speer, Gill Perkes and Sam Smith (Walsall) - 70 points

Longest Drive (6th hole) - Caroline Corrigan (Ingestre Park)

Nearest the Pin (18th hole) - Elizabeth Allan (South Staffs)

Thank you to Stafford Castle for your kind hospitality and for making us all so welcome on the day. Many thanks to the greens staff for an excellent course - we all enjoyed playing on it.

A big thank you to our Captain, Jules, for an excellent halfway house. It was lovely to be waited upon with a delightful afternoon tea, delicious sandwiches and cakes, and, not forgetting the Prosecco! Very much appreciated by everyone.

My thanks, once again, to Jean Livingston - your help on the desk is invaluable. Also to Christine, Brenda and Jan - thank you. 

Sue Simmons     (Competition Sec)                                                         

Captain's Day 2019

On Friday 19th July I welcomed everyone to Stafford Castle Golf Club. The forecast had us all worried anticipating heavy rain and thunder & lightening and all came prepared with waterproofs and brollies. Fortunately, although it did rain in the morning, it wasn't too bad and the afternoon ladies saw hardly any rain at all. Not the sunshine I had been hoping for but it didn't seem to dampen everyone's enthusiasm to go out and play well.

Thank you to all the Staffs Vets for making this day so memorable. It was great to sit with you all at the halfway house with a prosecco and listen to you analysing your game so far, it was a lovely atmosphere. It was very pleasing to hear all your positive comments and compliments about the course which I hope you will return to in the future.

Thanks also to all those, both Staffs Vets and members of Stafford Castle golf club who gave their time to help make the day such a great success.

Congratulations to the winners with 77 points, Jan Williams, Glynis Byatt and Yvonne Cope.

Jules Heath                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Captain

Snelson Trophy 

On Monday 8th July 40 staffs vets ladies travelled to Ingestre Park Golf Club to play in the Snelson Trophy. The trophy is played for between the Captains Team (1st team Players) and the Vice Captains Team (2nd Team Players & committee) and is awarded to the team with the highest combined stableford score. In 2018 the Vice Captains team won.

Ingestre Park golf course was superbly presented, well manicured and the greens were excellent leading to some fantastic betterball scores from players with the highest score being 44pts. This year the Captains Team came in victorious with a combined score of 382pts to 357pts.

Thank you to all the ladies who played and made the day a great success, thank you to vice captain Bev for all her hard work helping to organise the day and well done to my team.

Jules Heath                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Captain

Lady President's Day

Our second competition of the year was our Lady President's Day which was held at Stone Golf Club on Monday 17th June. The day started off dry but the rain soon arrived  with the morning players bearing the brunt of the wet conditions. We had a full entry of 105 players on the day which is the maximum number we can comfortably get on a 9 hole course. The format of our competition was a stableford three ball alliance.
Our Lady President, Diane Gillen, provided a delightful respite at the halfway house with a wonderful selection of cakes and scones which were enjoyed by all - not forgetting the Prosecco which certainly went down a treat!

The results are as follows:-
1st     -     J Heath (Stafford Castle), B Hensley (Ingestre Park) and H York (Stone) with 70 points
2nd   -     S Sketcher, S Macmillan and P Roper (Trentham) with 69 points
3rd    -     T Klek, N Lockley and E Dorrington (Beau Desert) with 68 points
4th    -     K Smith, W Cotterill and C Eveson (South Staffs) with 66 points

Nearest the Pin (14th) - K Smith (South Staffs)
Longest Drive (10th) - J Waterhouse (Whittington Heath)

Many thanks to the greens staff for all their hard work - the course was in lovely condition especially after the very wet weather we had been experiencing recently. Also thanks to the Stone members, ladies and gentlemen, who helped out on the day - much appreciated. My personal thanks go to Jean Livingston and Chris Allsop for the invaluable help on the desk - thank you Ladies! Lastly but by no means least, a huge thank you to our President, Di, for all your hard work and for giving us an excellent day out at Stone Golf Club - thank you! It really was a lovely day!

Nellie Wood Trophy 2019

The Nellie Wood Trophy was held at Whittington Heath Golf Club on Friday 24th May. The weather on the day was very kind to us with some lovely warm sunshine. We had 132 ladies entered this year which was a little down on numbers from last year but was still a healthy field of competitors. Normally the Nellie Wood is a qualifying competition but this year we held it as a non qualifier. This was due to the ongoing alterations which are taking place at Whittington Heath.
The Nellie Wood Trophy was won by Moira Gough from Oxley Park with 41 points.
The Vintage Salver was also won by Moira Gough from Oxley Park.
Silver Division 
1st      - Helen Jessop (Manor) with 38 points (back nine 20 points)
2nd    - Jenny Smale (Whittington Heath) with 38 points (back nine 18 points)
3rd     - Cynthia Tipper (Whittington Heath) with 37 points (back nine 21 points)
4th     - Francesca Holland (Whittington Heath) with 37 points (back nine 17 points)

Bronze Division 
1st      - Trudie Hanson (Branston) with 37 points
2nd    - Diane Ferriday (Brocton Hall) with 36 points (last six 13 points)
3rd     - Gilly Cooper (Brocton Hall) with 36 points (last six 12 points)
4th     - Mary Osborne (Stafford Castle) with 35 points

Many thanks go to Whittington Heath for allowing us to play our Nellie Wood Trophy at their lovely golf course. As I have already mentioned there is a lot of work taking place on the course and I must thank the greens staff for all their hard work in presenting the course in such good condition which was not an easy task with so many areas marked out as GUR. Thank you to all the helpers on the day especially Jean Livingston, Penny Speer, Chris Allsop and Lady Captain of Whittington Suzanne Rundle for all their much appreciated help on the desk. Also thank you to the Lady Captain for providing bottles of water on the desk for our competitors and for the very welcoming biscuits and drinks at the halfway house. Much Appreciated!

Sue Simmons
(Competition Secretary)

Ist team v Worcestershire and Shropshire

May 20th was a very busy day for the first team with a cup match against Worcestershire away at Moseley and a friendly match away at Llanymynech against Shropshire.

The cup team arrived to a warm welcome from both the weather and the Worcestershire team to play their scratch cup match at Moseley Golf Club.  On a well prepared course there was some great golf played with some very convincing wins and some very tight matches resulting in a 5 1/2 to 2 1/2 win for Staffordshire . Congratulations to Worcestershire Captain Janice Kerr on her hole in one and thank you for the celebratory drink . Well done ladies and thank you to vice captain Bev Hensley for captaining the successful team.

Llanymynech has some of its holes in Wales and some in Shropshire and from the course there are some fantastic panoramic views. We tried not to let these distract us, however several ladies hadn't played the course before so they managed to take a few photos on the way round. The friendly match was played as a 4BBB 90% difference and this resulted in some very closely fought matches with six of the eight games going to 18th hole. Unfortunately the result was not favourable to Staffordshire with Shropshire winning 5 1/2 - 2 1/2.  A Valiant effort ladies and a lovely day, thank you.

Jules Heath                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Captain

3rd Team v Northamptonshire

Monday May 20th 2019                                                         Staffordshire won 5 1/2 : 2 1/2

Venue – Delapre Golf Centre Northampton.

As with all 3rd Team matches, this is a 4bbb played off handicap. It was a very closely fought match with two games ending on the 18th hole. Fortunately Staffordshire won both of these by one-up. Great going ladies.

As with all previous 3rd Team matches against Northamptonshire, in all the games shots were being taken off a Staffordshire player. So very well played to all the team. After the 9th hole the match was very even, with a 50/50 split in the halfway results. So there were quite a few nerves (mine that is) whilst waiting at the 18th green. I need not have worried.

The report back from the players was that the Delapre Course has lots of ditches and thick rough, which on quite a number of holes was immediately adjacent to the “Fairway”. I heard it said that some players lost more balls in the round than they did during the whole of the year. The things we do for Staffordshire Golf!

From a very proud Captain, thank you to the Team for your resilience.

Christine Davies

Captain SVLGA 3rd Team.

2nd team v Worcestershire and Leicestershire

After a disappointing start with our first match against Worcestershire at Droitwich golf club being abandoned after twelve holes due to thunder storms  we made our way to our second match at Barlaston golf club against Leicestershire hoping for better weather , alas the rain followed us with some heavy showers but this did not stop the enthusiasm and spirit of both teams , eventually the sun came out all enjoyed the course with some very close matches with Staffordshire coming out the victors with a 5 & 3 win. Well done and thank you to my team.

Bev Hensley 

S.V.L.G.A. 2ND Team Captain

1st team report

The season has started very well for the First Team.

On 1st April we visited Edgbaston Golf Club  to play the inaugural match with the MVLGA Presidents select team, who gave our team a very warm welcome and so did the sunshine. Both teams fielded 12 players with handicaps of 7 or below and the match was played as 4BBB off scratch and resulted in a draw. Many of the matches were very closely fought however Julie Brown and Julia Gaunt had a convincing win 7 & 6 with Julie Brown playing some outstanding golf having several birdies and an eagle! 

On 16th April we played a friendly match against the County 2nd Team which we hosted at Brocton Hall Golf Club and once again we were blessed with good golfing weather except for a little rain just at the end. This match is played as a 4BBB 90% difference with 8 players per team and our team came out as 3 - 1 victors with 2 wins & 2 halves. I was there to support the team and enjoyed watching some excellent golf and with the final two fourballs going all the way to the 18th and halving it was very tense. 

We are looking forward now to our first intercounty match with Derbyshire Senior Ladies on 13th May, closely followed by our first cup match on 20th May against Worcestershire at Moseley and on the same day our friendly match against Shropshire at Llanymynech.

Jules Heath

MVLGA Captain

Mrs Jill Sly

Sadly our past Treasurer Jill died in December following a trgic accident. Her husband David has requested that we pass on the following message to all the ladies at the Vets

"David and family were overwhelmed by the number of cards and messages of sympathy received following Jill's untimely death. There are barely enough words in the English language to cover the views expressed;- saddened, shocked, untimely not to mention the positive ones smiling, helpful, courteous. They would like to offer their sincere thanks to all and particularly to all those who came to the Requiem Mass and afterwards to Brocton Hall. I hope we gave her a fitting farewell."

New Captain and Vice Captain

We  welcome our new Captain Mrs Jules Heath (Stafford Castle Golf Club) and our new Vice Captain Mrs Bev Hensley (Ingestre Park Golf Club)

I’m sure everyone wishes them all a happy and successful 2019 with lots of good golf.

Our thanks go to our past Captain, MrsChristine Davies. She has had very successful and happy year and provided invaluable support to the association and all the teams.

Please see the events section for details of next year’s competitions.

We would also like to thank our retiring Treasurer, Mrs Jill Sly, for all her hard work and dedication over the last seven years. We wish our new Treasurer, Mrs Wendy Lewis, every sucess.

 Midland Team Championship - 2018

This year the Midland Team Championship was held at Luffenham Heath Golf Club (Leicestershire and Rutland) on 10th, 11th and 12th October. There were 11 Counties represented with 18 teams of four players taking part. The team event is played over two days playing 18 holes on each day. This year , however, because of deteriorating weather conditions day 2 was reduced to a 9 hole competition. The best three scores out of four from each team on both days are added together to determine the  winners of the Championship.

Staffordshire first won the Trophy in 2014 but came a very close second to Northamptonshire the following year. We then won the Championship in 2016 and 2017. This year we completed the hat trick and won for the third consecutive year. Well done to Staffordshire’s 1st Team comprising of Sue Spencer, Caroline Corrigan, Bev Chattaway and Sally Sketcher. What stars! Staffordshire’s 2nd Team comprising of Corinne Tooth, Jayne Fletcher, Bridget Locke and Diane Gillen also had an excellent Championship finishing 7th Gross and 6th Nett. Well done to you all!

Bev Chattaway and Caroline Corrigan came 2nd in the Greensomes Stableford (held on Wed 10th) losing out for first place on countback.

Sue Spencer also won the longest drive on day 1 of the team event and won the nearest the pin prize on day 2.

Thanks also to Chrissie Hopkins, Sue  Simmons and  our Captain, Christine Davies,  who were there for the duration of the Championship lending support whilst enjoying some great golf.

Well done Staffordshire! A great end to our 2018 season!!

Am-am with S U G C senior gentlemen

Thursday September 13th 2018            

It was the ladies turn to host this event which took place at Brocton Hall. At the request of the gentlemen, this was brought forward this year into September. It is played as an am/am; 90% handicap with one lady and one gentleman to score on each hole. The weather was quite kind although it alternated between chilly and very warm. Brocton had started their Course Maintenance programme the previous week so there were some interesting comments about “putting” as not all of the top dressing had infused into the sub-soil.

It was as usual, an excellent day with much camaraderie and interesting speeches! This was the first year for many that Terry Henwood had not organised this on behalf of the gentlemen. A sad “farewell”, although Terry still played in the team. Thanks for all your hard work, funny stories and jokes over the years Terry. He has handed over to Andy Guy. We wish you success in the role Andy and for your wedding on Saturday.  Steve Wild gave the speech on behalf of the gentlemen.

My thanks go to SUGC Senior Captain, Mark Ashton, Mick Tooth and our Lady President, Di Gillen with whom I was playing. Sorry that I didn’t back you up more.

As usual the men were very kind and considerate in supplying the bottles of wine for the prizes. Bridget Locke, Anne Fern, Pete Cole and Colin Woolley came first with 78 points.  Second, with 77 points were Jules Heath (Vice-Captain), Pam Bailey, Andrew Dathan (Chairman of SUGC Senior Section) and Martyn Pearce. 

Many thanks go to all the ladies and gentlemen who played in this most enjoyable of competitions.

Christine Davies


C ongratuation s Doreen Banks on her 90th birthday from everyone at Staffs  Vets

The Championship 2018

The Championship for 2018 was held on the Lodge Course at Enville Golf Club on Friday 31st August. After a long hot dry spell of weather the courses are all showing signs of good recovery and the Lodge Course was no exception. Weather on the day was perfect with long spells of sunshine.

The Championship Trophy was won by Sue Spencer (Whittington Heath) with 77 Gross.

The winner of the Doreen Banks Salver was Diane Gillen (Stone) with 89 Gross.

(It was a pleasure to present this Salver on the day of Doreen's 90th Birthday!)

Best Nett was won by Lin Toft (Uttoxeter) with 71 Nett.

1st Silver Division - Carol Alford (Branston) - 72 Nett (won on back 6)

2nd Silver Division - Ann Wassall (Enville) - 72 Nett

3rd Silver Division - Sue Simmons (Enville) - 73 Nett

1st Bronze Division - Gillian Clarke (Trentham) - 73 Nett

2nd Bronze Division - Jan Baker (Brocton Hall) - 74 Nett

3rd Bronze Division - Diane Ferriday (Brocton Hall) - 75 Nett

Thanks go to Enville Golf Club for allowing us to host this event at their club and also to the Greens Staff for preparing the course in such good order. Many thanks to all the helpers on the day and special thanks to Jean Livingston who helped on the desk all day - thank you, as always, your help is invaluable.

1st Team v Leicestershire August 23rd 2018

We won, either 6:1 or 7:1 ? Read on.

This was a Staffordshire home fixture and was played at The Chase G C and we thank them for their hospitality and the lovely food.

So - back to the result. Unfortunately Leicestershire could only get 14 players for this match so, do we cut our team to 14 or increase Staffs participation? After talking this through beforehand with the Leicestershire Captain, we decided to play this match off handicap, rather than Scratch. Prior to the day I spoke with our two lowest handicap players, Debbie and Sue to see if they wished to drop out – not a bit of it they both responded. So I decided to give two players from the 2nd Team, Cynthia Butler and Jackie Jennings, both of whom had dropped their handicaps, so were no longer available to play for the 2nds, the opportunity to play. Both grasped it with both hands.

So, if the actual match was for 7 pairs then we won 6:1, if 8, then we won 7:1. Got it?

All the above just reiterates what an exceptional bunch of ladies we have playing for Staffordshire.

Thank you from a very proud Captain.

2nd team cup match v Warwickshire

Following our draw with Worcestershire in July we needed to beat Warwickshire by a greater margin than 5- 3 to win the cup. An eager team arrived at Shirley Golf Club and all hit magnificent opening tee shots however, after 9 holes we only led in two matches. Energy boosted by chocolate bars the determined players set off on the back nine with great hopes of fighting back but despite their hard fought efforts we lost the match 51/2 - 21/2.

A big thank you to all the ladies who have played for the 2nd team this year it has been a pleasure to watch you play with such enthusiasm and determination.

Jules Heath

1st Team v Warwickshire August 9th 2018 for the Inter-County Trophy – retained by Staffordshire

This was a Warwickshire home fixture and was played at The Robin Hood G C in Solihull. For the first time in a couple of months we saw and played on green “fairways”. We can only assume that there is a watering system in place? Robin Hood gave us a good test of golf with four of our eight matches still “alive” at the 17th hole. Both the 17th and 18th holes are par fives. I am delighted to report that we won all four, giving Staffordshire a victory of 6 matches to 2. Absolutely exceptional ladies.

As usual, there was much banter and camaraderie, especially around the tables at the meal following the match. A great advert for Vets golf.

The Inter-County Trophy (for the 1st Team) was initiated in 1998 by our own Captain that year Una Boyd, who was a member of Whittington Heath. I am delighted to report that in the twenty years over which it has been played, Staffordshire have won it on nine occasions, this win being our fifth consecutive year.

2nd Team Match v Derbyshire 9th August 2018

On the same day as our 1st team were playing Warwickshire the 2nd team were all driving across the Derbyshire peak district to play a friendly match against Derbyshire at Chatsworth Golf Club. Whilst playing the players were treated to some stunning views from this 9 hole course especially of Chatsworth House and its gardens this didn't distract the team from their games.  After 7 games the match was all square and with the last pairing of Sue Butler and Ann Partridge coming in with a vital win they secured a 41/2 to 31/2 victory. 

Lady Captain's day 19th July 2018

This year the Lady Captain's Day was held at Brocton Hall, the home club of our Captain, Christine Davies. We had an excellent field of 180 ladies playing in a Stableford Three Ball Alliance. Due to the very hot and dry weather we have been experiencing lately we all found the ground conditions quite difficult with balls bouncing all over the place! However, the course was excellent, as always, and thanks go to the greens staff for all their hard work.

The results of the competition are as follows:-

1st Prize   Mary Robertson, Mary Richards and Caroline Wilkins (Brocton Hall) - 83 points

2nd Prize  Sally Sketcher, Sue Macmillan and Caroline Carryer (Trentham)  - 81 points

3rd Prize   Caroline Corrigan, Bridget Locke and Bev Hensley (Ingestre Park) - 77 points

4th Prize   Kate Weaver, Marjorie Leece and Jackie Jennings (South Staffs) - 76 points won on the back 9

Best Front 9  Anna Bullock, Heather Baldwin and Gill Dyke (Trentham) - 41 points won on the last 6

Best Back 9  Ann Tweddle, Sue Butler and Judy Bartlett (Uttoxeter) - 40 points

Silver Div nearest the pin - Nicola Lockley (Beau Desert)

Bronze Div nearest the pin - Sue Ward (Brocton Hall)

Thank you to Brocton Hall for making us all so welcome on the day and many thanks to all those who helped out on the day to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Many thanks, also, go to our Captain, Christine, for providing us all with refreshments at the halfway house - the Prosecco went down a treat and the delicious cakes were very welcome!

A note from the Lady Captain:-

Ladies, thank you all for playing and making the day so special. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I. Thank you for your cards and gifts, which will be a wonderful memory of my day. I am sure you would all like to know that the raffle raised a wonderful £360. This is to be shared between The British Heart Foundation and Parkinson's Disease UK.

Thank you, as always, to Sue (Simmons) for all her hard work and organisation.

Thank you once again Ladies.

Christine Davies

Captain SVLGA

SVLGA 2ND Team Cup Match v Worcestershire & Herefordshire 11th July

After the original match date in April had to be cancelled due to the atrocious weather,  we welcomed the Worcestershire & Herefordshire team to Barlaston Golf Club in glorious sunshine.

The players were all watched off the first tee by Worcestershire & Herefordshire's Vets President and Captain and Staffordshire's Vets Captain & Vice Captain who all then watched some nailbiting matches  come to their conclusion. The tightly fought match finished up as a 4-4 draw.

Players all enjoyed an excellent meal afterwards before leaving to watch England play their semi final match in the World Cup.

Snelson Trophy July 9th 2018

On yet another fabulous day of weather forty players arrived at Ingestre Park Golf Club to vie for the Snelson Trophy. This is a match between a 1st Team Squad and a 2nd Team Squad. It is played as a 4BBB Stableford, with 20 players a side.

With the current dry conditions there were some unusual places from which balls were being played! As one would expect each “match” was keenly contested with the 2nd Team coming out victors by 10 Stableford points. Thereby getting the Trophy back from the 1sts!

Well done to the 2nd Team.

This is a great occasion and event and the only time during the year that SVLGA members get to play with, and against, each other. The camaraderie on and off the Course was superb.

Thanks must go to Ingestre Park for the presentation of the Course and the catering both before and after the match.



Friday 31st August 2018

(Holder : Mrs Caroline Corrigan)

+ Best Overall Nett and Nett Prizes in 2 Divisions (Competition handicaps only)

There will be a draw for handicaps plus to 20
(Ladies aged 70+ may be exempt from the draw if they so desire)

Handicaps 21 and above apply in threes if possible

ENTRY FEE £12.00 per member

Meal or Sandwiches will be available. Please order on the Entry Form (Meals ordered must be taken) +


( Holder : Mrs Diane Gillen )

Any member having to cancel must notify her own representative who may have a substitute player. Failing that your representative should contact the Competitions Secretary as soon as possible.

Use of ride-on buggies only allowed on medical grounds and by prior arrangement with the Competitions Secretary

Prizewinners or a representative are expected to attend the presentation

Please forward duplicate entry forms with cheques and a stamped address envelope to: The Competitions Secretary: Mrs Sue Simmons, 8 Cloister Drive, Halesowen, B62 8RA

Or email:     to arrive no later than the closing date Friday 27th July 2018

Cheques made payable to: S.V.L.G.A


1.    Current information

       All golfers who pay a subscription to the SVLGA are members of the SLCGA and, as such, we    abide by the rules of the County Association. Please               see the SLCGA Privacy Policy on this website.

       In addition, the following may be of interest to you.

2.    What information do we collect about you?

        When you become a member of the SVLGA we only collect the details required to be able to contact you with information relating to our activities.

         This information includes your email address, telephone numbers and handicaps.

3.     Individual Rights

        You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy please email the Secretary, Pat Mumford -                

         We wish to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You have the right to ask us to correct or, erase information that you                     believe to be inaccurate.

         You have the right to request that any data about yourself is removed from our files.

4.    Exceptions to the above.

       Personal details would only be released to assist the emergency services if a member became unwell whilst engaged in a SVLGA competition or match.

 5.    How to contact us.

        If you need further information or have any queries, please email the Secretary, Pat Mumford -

On behalf of the SVLGA Committee.

June 18th 2018

This policy is also available to view under "Rules and Privacy Policy"

Nellie Wood Competition Thursday 24th May 2018

The Nellie Wood Trophy for 2018 was played at Brocton Hall Golf Club on Thursday 24th May. We had quite a difference in the temperature on the day as the ladies playing in the morning found it very chilly whilst the afternoon players had much warmer conditions. Fortunately for all it remained dry all day! This year we had a record number of entries   - - 194 ladies entered and we finally managed to secure places for 180 players. This is a great situation for us to be in and I must applaud the enthusiasm of our ladies and thank you all for your excellent support.

The Nellie Wood Trophy  was won by Sue Spencer from Whittington Heath with a score of 39 points (back nine 18 points).

The Vintage Salver was won by Gill Greaves-Bentley from Ingestre Park with a score of 38 points.

Silver Division :-

1st    -  Helen Jessop  (The Manor) with 39 points (back nine 17 points)

2nd  -  Gill Greaves-Bentley (Ingestre Park) with 38 points

3rd   -  Kay Marshall (Branston) with 37 points (back nine 17 points)

4th   -  Wendy Gitsham (Ingestre Park) with 37 points (better back six)

5th   -  Carol Alford (Branston) with 37 points

Bronze Division :-

1st    -  Gail Lloyd (Beau Desert) with 36 points (back nine 21 points)

2nd  -  Helen Toft (Trentham) with 36 points

3rd   -  Eileen Geddes (Whittington Heath) with 35 points

4th   -  Liz Kendrick (Whittington Heath) with 33 points (back nine 16 points)

5th   -  Trish Franklin (Brocton Hall) with 33 points

The course was in excellent condition and many thanks go to the Head Greenkeeper and his staff for preparing the course so well for us on the day. My thanks go to all the many helpers provided by Brocton Hall and especially the ladies who helped out on the desk and also to Diane Bell (SVLGA delegate) for all your help in the organisation of the day. Many thanks also to Jean Livingston, Penny Speer and Jill Sly (from the Association) for your invaluable help with the cards - much appreciated!

Our Captain, Christine Davies, would also like to thank all the ladies who contributed to the raffle. An excellent £367 was raised which is to be shared with The British Heart Foundation and Parkinson's Disease UK. Thank you ladies!

The CSS for the competition was 72 (+ 1)

1st team v Shropshire Monday 21st May 2018

 Staffordshire won 5:3

Venue - Handsworth G. C.

Well, yet another fine, dry day with some great golf. This match is played off handicap and, as per our match last week against Derbyshire, it all came down to the last match, which Staffordshire won, giving us the overall match win. 

All “Vets” matches are tough and exciting and this one was no exception especially as in all the games the lowest handicap player was from Staffordshire, meaning we were giving shots.

So if you think I have lost weight when next you see me it is all down to tension and nerves!

Handsworth are having a lot of work carried out around the 12th/13th holes and the blue netting used to define the area caused a little consternation for some players but, they survived. The rest of the Course was in good condition and the visitors couldn’t believe that such a splendid Course existed in the middle of a housing estate.

My thanks to Handsworth for all their help and especially to Emma for her catering organisation.

Christine Davies

Captain SVLGA

1st team v Derbyshire Thursday May 17th 2018

The Match was halved                                                          

Venue - Kedleston Park G. C. Derbyshire

What a brilliant match and fantastic day. This match is played off Scratch and was nail-biting down to the last match, which Staffordshire won – yippee.

Kedleston was in great condition and the standard of golf was excellent. Indeed, in one match the four players came off stating that if they had been playing in an am/am the score would have been so good that there may have been a “steward’s enquiry”!

Four matches went to the 18th hole and none were halved. Unfortunately, Derbyshire won 3 of these and Staffordshire 1. A similar case happened last year when four matches went to the 18th but, on that occasion Staffordshire won 3 and halved one. So this is always a well contested match, played competitively but, in a very friendly manner, which the laughter and camaraderie in the dining room confirmed.

My thanks to the Immediate Past President of Derbyshire, Maggie Wylde for acting as Starter and to our Immediate Past Captain, Ann Tweddle for coming to Kedleston, keeping me company and for being there to see all our matches through the 9th.

Christine Davies

Captain SVLGA

2nd team v Leicestershire  11th May 2018

On Friday 11th May we got our season underway with a trip to Willesley Park Golf Club to play a friendly match against Leicestershire and Rutland. Vets Lady Captain Christine Davies and myself went along to support the team and  we watched an eager and determined team put in some excellent performances to win the match 6 1/2 to 1 1/2. Well done Ladies a great start to our season.

Jules Heath

SVLGA Vice Captain

3rd Team v Northamptonshire  9th May 2018

On a dry day at Druids Heath the ladies from both teams enjoyed the warm welcome of the Staff at Druids Heath.  The matches were played in a friendly manner and although Staffordshire won 7 -1, at least four games went to the 17th. 

My thanks to all the ladies who played this year for the third team and to Captain Christine Davies and Past President Brenda Parker for taking on the start of the day in my absence. Due to unforeseen circumstances we had two ladies unable to play.  Northamptonshire agreed to Brenda playing with a handicap of 16 to partner myself, and for the match to count.  This was good sportsmanship and gave their 8th pairing a game.

A very good meal was provided by Druids Heath and judging by the level of noise, a pleasant time was had by everyone.

Ann Tweddle

SVLGA Past Captain

Trophee Simone Thiion de la Chaume

Two weeks ago nine Staffordshire vets flew out to Biarritz to compete in the 20th Trophee Simone Thion De La Chaume and the Cup Simone Thion De La Chaume being played at Golf De Biarritz La Phare.

Competitors in the Trophee were all handicap 6 and below and included 9 professionals. Sue Spencer played superbly in the first two rounds qualifying for the final day and finished with an excellent final round of 71 to clinch the best nett prize. Only 3 of the professionals finished above her.

The remaining eight Staffordshire vets competed in the Cup (handicaps 6-12) and after the first two rounds four of our ladies qualified in the top 24 to make the cut for the final round. Jayne Fletcher put in an excellent final round which resulted in her winning second gross.

1st team v Worcestershire & Hereford

Thursday May 3rd 2018                                                                     Staffordshire Won 5 : 3

Venue - Sandwell Park G. C.

This was a cup match for the Inter-County Trophy, which is played between Staffordshire/Warwickshire/Worcestershire & Hereford.

After the dreadful weather which has blighted us up to this point, the staff at Sandwell pulled out all the stops to ensure the Course was playable. I understand that, whilst wet in places Sandwell played well, if a little long. The day was mainly sunny but, with a very chilly wind.

I have to admire, and thank, all our players for giving such an excellent performance. Thank you one and all.

This report wouldn’t be complete without thanking Debbie Warren (whose Birthday happened to be on the day – such dedication) for all the chocolate goodies that she left with me to be given out to ALL players on the first tee. Thanks Debbie and hope your birthday celebrations lasted at least all week.

Christine Davies

Captain SVLGA

1st team v County Ladies 2nd Team

Monday April 16th                                                     The Vets Won 3 : 1

This was a “Home” Fixture for the SLCGA and was played at Enville G C. For once, there was no rain! This was our first game of the season as our previous fixture had to be postponed.

Occasionally the County Ladies cannot get a complete team and this year we (The Vets) supplied three players to play for the County Ladies. I am sure that we all benefited from playing at Enville and honed our 4BBB match play instincts ready for the season.

Thank you to SLCGA 2nd Team for their hospitality and to Captain Debbie Loach for organising this event.

Very well done ladies – onwards and upwards. 

Christine Davies

Captain SVLGA

Team selections


We hope the following will give a little guidance on how we go about selecting the teams each year. If by any chance you don't get the chance to play in a match please don't let it put you off for next year.

The first thing is that you must have ticked the box on the membership form which indicates that you would like to be considered for matches.

During February you will be contacted by the team captains for your availability. It is important that you respond promptly as the captains need to collate all the responses and make their selections. The more availability you submit the more likely you are to get selected.

 All fixtures are for teams of 16 players (8 pairs) apart from the 1st Team match against the County Ladies 2nd Team which is 8 per side (4 pairs) and The Snelson Trophy which is 20 per side (10 pairs).

1st Team – The selection for these matches is done by the Captain. The matches against Worcestershire & Hereford; and Warwickshire are played off Scratch and, therefore, selection is in handicap order. The lowest handicap players available are selected to play against the County Ladies 2nd Team. The fixture against Leicestershire is also likely to be played off Scratch. In the other matches we try to get a mixture of players so that everyone gets a game during the year.

The selection for the fixture with the County Senior Men is by invitation.

2nd Team – The selection for these matches is done by the Vice-Captain. We have a very nice “problem” in that we have lots of members who wish to play, this does however mean that not everyone may get a game. The two cup matches against Worcestershire & Hereford and Warwickshire are done strictly in handicap order. This leaves two friendly matches against Leicestershire and Derbyshire where we try to get a mixture of players.

The Snelson Trophy is a match against the Vets 1st Team and for this match we select the committee members with handicaps higher than 14 and then a mixture of players to make up a team to 20 players (10 Pairs). All second team matches are 4BBB and are played using handicap allowances.

3rd Team – We have the same procedure as the 2nd Team friendly matches. The match is a 4BBB and played using handicap allowances. At present (2018) we have only the one fixture against Northamptonshire but, we are trying to get more. This will however depend on other counties.

The President, Captain and committee wish you all a very happy Christmas

and a great 2018  Happy Golfing

2017 AGM

We are very pleased to announce that our new President is Mrs Di Gillen (Stone Golf Club)

We also welcome our new Captain Mrs Christine Davies (Brocton Hall Golf Club) and our new Vice Captain Mrs Jules Heath (Stafford Castle Golf Club)

I’m sure everyone wishes them all a happy and successful 2018 with lots of good golf.

Our thanks go to our past President, Mrs Brenda Parker, and our past Captain, Mrs Ann Tweddle. Both of them have been brilliant and provided invaluable support to the association and all the teams.

It was lovely to see so many people at the AGM this year.

Vets v Gentlemen from The Staffordshire

Wednesday 25th October 2017

The Annual match versus the men at The Staffordshire was once more a very successful day.  This was rescheduled from March when it had to be cancelled due to torrential rain.    How different from today when the weather was amazing especially as we are at the end of October.  Unfortunately the result of 3½ to 4½ does not reflect the spirit in which the game was played as there was great camaraderie between each 4 ball.  Once more the trophy stays at The Staffordshire.

Captain, Mike Evans, had organised the day well.  We had a very good meal which was followed by some amusing stories by Mike.  An excellent day was had by all and a fixture that hopefully will continue for many years.  This was our last match of the year and an opportunity once more to thank all the ladies who have played.

Ann Tweddle, Captain

Am-am with Staffordshire senior gentlemen

Monday 16th October 2017            

The Ladies played Staffordshire Senior Gentlemen at Trentham Golf Course in an AMAM 90% handicap with one lady and one gentleman to score on each hole. On a very warm morning we witnessed an unusual sky with an orange sun as Storm Ophelia past over the country.  We were spared any rain but the wind whipped up the leaves which were whizzing past us as we attempted to play the ball.

It was an excellent day, organised by Terry Henwood with the Gentlemen treating us.  As usual the men were very hospitable and entertained us with their humorous stories and jokes.

Sue Spencer, Ann Tweddle (Captain), Andrew Dathan (Chairman) and Stuart Belcher came in with 83 points to take first prize. The second prize went to Di Gillen, Bridget Locke, Warwick Holland and John Deakin.  My thanks to Brenda Parker, President and all the ladies who played.

Staffordshire retain the Midland County Trophy

Staffordshire ladies stormed to victory with a fantastic score of 469 at the Midland Counties Championship which was held at Sheringham Golf Club, Norfolk; it was held over four days with practice rounds on Sunday & Monday. The main competition, which was medal play, ran over Tuesday & Wednesday in teams of four with three scores to count in each team.  Eleven counties took part in the competition.

Conditions were difficult with very strong winds on both days, which did not deter the 1st team of Bev Chattaway playing off 4, Sue Spencer 4, Sally Sketcher 6 and Caroline Corrigan 4.

Also representing the county in a 2nd team were, Mary Robertson, Bridget Locke, Sue Simmons & Jayne Fletcher with a very creditable score of 502.

Bev Chattaway had best gross on day one, with Sue Spencer winning the longest drive.

Sally Sketcher had the best individual nett on day one & two which reduced her handicap 0.4.

Brenda Parker (President), Ann Tweddle (Captain) and Chris Hopkins went from Monday to Wednesday to support the Ladies.  It was a wonderful three days

Vets Championship 31st August 2017

The Championship was held on Thursday 31st  August at Ingestre Park Golf Club. The course was in excellent condition as always and apart from one or two rain showers we had some good spells of sunshine.

The Championship Trophy was won by Caroline Corrigan (Ingestre Park) with an excellent 76 Gross

The winner of the Doreen Banks Salver was Diane Gillen (Stone) with 84 Gross

Best Nett was won by Ruth Hickman (Sandwell Park) with 71 Nett (won on the back 9)

1st Silver Division - Gail Duffield (Sandwell Park) - 72 Nett

2nd Silver Division - Trish Godwin (Ingestre Park) - 73 Nett

3rd Silver Division - Diane Gillen  (Stone) - 74 Nett

1st Bronze Division - Mim Close (Newcastle-under-Lyme) - 71 Nett

2nd Bronze Division - Judy Bartlett (Uttoxeter) - 74 Nett

3rd Bronze Division - Eileen Geddes (Whittington Heath) - 76 Nett

Vets 2nd team v Warwickshire   23rd August 2017

 Staffordshire Won 5 - 3

The match was held at Walsall Golf Club. My thanks go to all the staff and lady members, including the Lady Captain, who were there to look after us.  The match was very competitive with four matches going to the 18th hole and two matches ending All-Square. With the result a 5:3 win to Staffordshire. This turned out to be a bit of a nail biting match as Warwickshire had beaten Worcs. & Hereford and the latter had beaten us earlier in the season. So there was all to play for in retaining the Tri-County Trophy. As it now turns out Worcestershire & Hereford have snatched the trophy back by ½ a point. It says a lot for Veterans Golf that over all these fixtures there was only one point separating the three counties.

The weather forecast was for a bright sunny day and, although it started out by being overcast, with a modicum of drizzle, it eventually turned out to be very pleasant.

My thanks go to all who played, especially those for whom it was their first match. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also to Lady President, Brenda Parker and Past President and current committee member, Chrissie Hopkins for all their support and help on the day.

1st team v Leicestershire 21st August 2017

Kirby Muxloe was a beautiful course to have our final County Match of the season.  Upon arrival Leicestershire made us very welcome and the eight matches went off on a dull but dry morning.  President Brenda and Captain Ann saw all the matches on the first tee, again as they reached the ninth green and finally as they came off the eighteenth.  Everyone seemed to get on very well and once more the matches were played in a friendly but competitive manner.  Thanks to all the Staffordshire Ladies for playing and resulting in a win of 6½ to 1½.


The Jamboree this year was held at Frilford Heath Golf Club in Oxfordshire.

The members of the Midlands team were Tracy Bourne, Julie Brown, Caron Harrison, Helen Lowe, Mary MacLaren, Sue Spencer, Debbie Warren and Carol Wild.

Staffordshire Vets was well represented in the team with three Staffordshire Vets being included in the team of eight, namely Sue Spencer, Debbie Warren and Julie Brown.

The practice round was on Monday in beautiful weather but by Tuesday the weather had turned and the 36 holes was played in monsoon conditions.  For those that do not know the format each day is three matches of Foursomes in the morning and six singles in the afternoon.

The Midlands played against the South on Tuesday and won the day 5½ - 3½.

On Wednesday we played against Scotland and won 6½ - 2½ in the same dreadful conditions.  It was not easy.

On Thursday we played The North in much better conditions.    We needed a win or a half to secure the trophy.  The morning Foursomes were lost 2½ - ½ so we needed to win four of the singles matches in the afternoon.  A tall order as The North are a very, very strong side.  Things were not looking too good at the beginning but we battled and won the first three matches.  The next two matches were lost so all depended on the very last match.  It was extremely tense and came down to the very last putt on the eighteenth.  Julie Brown won her match, Debbie Warren won her match and Sue Spencer holed her putt on the eighteenth to secure the trophy for the Midlands.   Fantastic result.  Well done to all the team.

Should anyone like to see the full results for each day these can be seen on the MVLGA website.

1st team v Warwickshire 19th August 2017

At last a match without any rain!  A lovely sunny day, Handsworth golf course played long following heavy rain the previous day. The Ladies from both teams had very close matches which culminated in a win to Staffordshire 4½ to 3½.  Once more the matches were played in a friendly yet competitive manner.  Having previously won against Worcester & Hereford we have now retained the Trophy.

Captain Ann & Vice Captain Christine supported the team.  The match was followed by an excellent meal. The catering was much appreciated both on arrival and for the evening meal.

Vets 2nd team v Derbyshire 8th August 2017

 Staffordshire Won 5 ½   - 2 ½

The match was held at Westwood Golf Club whose Staff brilliantly catered for our every need. As usual there were 16 players in the team and the noise around the tables before and during the match dinner reflected the spirit in which the match was played. A great advert for Veterans golf.

The weather generally was a bit of a concern as it seemed to be raining or drizzling for most of the day and the Course, not surprisingly, was getting a little soggy in places. In the end I think we were very fortunate with the weather. My thanks go to all who played, especially those for whom it was their first match. Plus, a welcome return to playing for the team for Madame Captain, Ann Tweddle.

Well done Staffordshire.

Lady Captain's Day 19th July 2017

121 Ladies from 21 clubs played at Uttoxeter Golf Club, the home course of our Captain Ann Tweddle.  The day went well thanks to the excellent organisation by the competition secretary, Sue Simmons. 

Competition – Stableford Three Ball Alliance and the results are a follows:-

Nearest the Pin (4th hole)                 Silver Div – Sam Smith (Walsall)

Longest Drive (5th hole)                     Silver Div – Jayne Fletcher (Whittington Heath)

Nearest the Pin (16th hole)              Bronze Div – Jenny Bulman (Brocton Hall)

Longest Drive (15th hole)               Bronze Div – Jennie Bostock (Uttoxeter)                                                          

1st   Sue Phipps, Judy Bartlett & Kit Ford (Uttoxeter) 81 points

2nd    Lin Toft, Sue Butler & Pat Watson (Uttoxeter) 79 points

3rd   Caroline Corrigan, Bridget Locke, & Bev Hensley (Ingestre Park) 75 points

4th Jayne Fletcher, Bev Chattaway & Sue Spencer (Whittington Heath) 74 points with a back nine of 35 points

The Met Office was forecasting thunderstorms which thankfully stayed away & apart from a short spell of rain, early evening, the day progressed well.

Uttoxeter golf course was in excellent condition and thanks go to the greenkeepers and many volunteers for preparing the course. The Spotters, Starters and helpers contributed to a very friendly feel to the day.

The 12th Hole provided much merriment and a chance for the golfers to rest their legs. President Brenda & Past President Chrissie Hopkins did a great job in helping serve scones and drinks.

There was a good atmosphere in the Club House where the presentation of prizes took place.

Snelson Trophy 10th July 2017

On a lovely morning we set off to Newcastle Golf Club for the First team to play the Second team for the Snelson Trophy.  Each team had 20 players.  The format for the day was a 4BBB Stableford.

We were delighted to have President Brenda Parker & Past President Chrissie Hopkins to see us off on the first tee and meet us at the halfway house on the ninth. Our good weather declined rapidly, turning into a deluge, which then found the course struggling to let the water soak away.  However, this did not deter the teams from completing their rounds, and a narrow victory for the first team with 379 to 376 points.  This meant that the First team regained the Trophy from the Second team.

Following the match we had an excellent meal in the Club house with plenty of time for good fellowship.

Vets 1st team v Derbyshire 27th June 2017

On a very grey morning we arrived to a warm welcome, at Trentham Golf Club,  by the Lady Captain, Sally Sketcher.  Once more we had rain for the first part of the matches and at the turn there were some very close scores.  However Staffordshire must have dug their heels in to come away with a very good win of 7½ to ½.  The Derbyshire team were very friendly and both teams enjoyed the course.

Once more President Brenda, Captain Ann & Vice Captain Christine Davies were on hand to support the team. The match was followed by an excellent meal with both teams thoroughly enjoying a very good natured atmosphere.

Dates for your diary

The date of the next delegates meeting will be on Monday 12th February 2018 and the 2018 AGM will be held on Monday 12th November.

Vets 1st team v Shropshire 22nd June 2017

Following the heat wave the country had experienced during the previous week, we arrived at Wrekin Golf Club to grey skies and a considerably cooler temperature.  The Lady Captain of Wrekin very kindly welcomed President Brenda & myself to their Club.  Despite the rain for the first three hours our Ladies all had very good matches with the Shropshire team and we were delighted to     win 5-3.

President Brenda & Captain Ann supported the team, with Brenda kindly acting as starter & ensuring all the matches went out on time.  The match was followed by an excellent meal with both teams thoroughly enjoying the fellowship.

Lady President's Day - Thursday 15th June 2017

Our President's Day was held at Ingestre Park, the home course of our President Brenda Parker, on Thursday 15th June. Apart from some drizzle early morning the day brightened up to give us some good spells of sunshine.The format of the competition was a Stableford Three Ball Alliance and the results are as follows:-

1st    Sally Sketcher, Julie Wright and Caroline Carryer (Trentham) 75 points with a back nine of 40 points and last six of 26 points

2nd   Siobhan Hills, Pauline Hatton and Ruth Hickman (Sandwell Park) 75 points with a back nine of 40 points and last six of 25 points

3rd    Caroline Corrigan, Bridget Locke and Bev Hensley (Ingestre Park) 75 points with a back 9 of 39 points

Nearest the pin (13th hole) - Silver Div - Caroline Hastilow (Drayton Park)

Longest Drive (18th hole) - Siver Div - Caroline Corrigan (Ingestre Park)

Nearest the pin (6th hole) - Bronze Div - Jo Hall (Penn)

Longest Drive (7th Hole) - Bronze Div - Dawn Franks (Ingestre Park)

Ingestre Park golf course was in excellent condition with very slick greens and thanks go to the greens staff for their hard work in preparing the course for us. Many thanks go to all the helpers on the day - Jean Livingston, Ann Tweddle (Captain), Jenny Cordon and Chris Hopkins who did a sterling job helping our President, Brenda, to keep us plied with Pimms and wonderful cupcakes at the halfway house. Many thanks to Brenda for the Pimms, cakes and biscuits and many congratulations Brenda on a great day!

Nellie Wood competition 22nd May 2017

 T he Nellie Wood Trophy was played at Handsworth Golf Club this year on Monday 22nd May and we were very fortunate to enjoy some lovely sunny weather for our first competition of the year.

The Nellie Wood Trophy was won by Catherine Weaver (South Staffs) with 38 points.

The Vintage Salver was also won by Catherine Weaver (South Staffs) with 38 points.

Silver Division

1st Pat Watson (Uttoxeter) with 37 points.

2nd Glynis Byatt (Trentham) with 36 points

3rd Sue Hatton (Beau Desert) with 36 points

4th Tracey Klek (Beau Desert) with 35 points

Bronze Division

1st Angela Hughes (Penn) with 37 points

2nd Jo Hall (Penn) with 34 points

3rd Caroline Greatrex (Brocton Hall) with 33 points

4th G Picton-Jones (Little Aston) with 33 points

Our thanks go to Handsworth Golf Club for allowing us to host this event at  their club and also to the Greens staff for preparing their course in such excellent order. Many thanks to Brenda Parker (Vet's President), Ann Tweddle (Vet's Captain) and Pat Wallington (Handsworth delegate) for all their invaluable help both in the organisation of the day and for the very efficient help they gave on the desk all day.

Vets 2nd team v Leicestershire 12th May 2017  Won 7 - 1

The match was held at Trentham Park Golf Club who did everything possible to cater for our needs. Thank you to their Lady Captain Shirley Thomas for helping with arrangements. As usual there were 16 players in the team and the banter and noise around the tables at the after match dinner reflected the excellent spirit in which the match was played.  

The weather at the start of the match was a little worrying as rain was forecast for most of the day. However, the showers were brief and as the day progressed they ceased all together. The Course was as tricky as ever, obviously more so for our opponents, thank goodness. My thanks go to all who played, especially those for whom it was their first match. A special thank you to our Captain, Ann Tweddle, who played for Leicestershire when they were short of a player.

As always a huge thank you to our President Brenda Parker, who never fails in her support of the team, both for Home and Away matches and who was there for the whole of the day.

Christine Davies


Vets 3rd team v Northamptonshire

On a cool but bright May morning Staffs Vets travelled to Brampton Heath to play a 3rd team match v Northamptonshire.

With a number of debutants in the team, nerves were running a bit high on the first tee, especially as the County President, Captain, Vice Captain and Past Captain were all in attendance. With the strength in depth of Staffs vets the team were giving shots in all the matches. The course proved to be quite tricky with a number of holes having water. At the turn most of the matches were fairly close, but the Staffs team dug in and managed to complete a 5 ½ to 2 ½ win.

A happy team sat down to a very pleasant meal and with the volume of the chatter at the tables I am sure all the participants enjoyed their day.


Vets 1st team v Worcestershire  4th May 2017

Sixteen ladies arrived at Fulford Heath Golf Club to play WHLVGA.  The Marshall of the Club was the starter and there was plenty of camaraderie before the ladies started their matches.  A very cool north easterly wind did not deter the ladies and Staffordshire won of 5 -3 

President Brenda, Captain Ann & Vice Captain Christine supported the team.  The match was followed by an excellent meal with both teams mixing extremely well.

Vets 1st team v Stone Men Friday 21st April 2017

On a dry Spring morning sixteen ladies arrived to play the Men at Stone GC.  Stone were only able to field a team of twelve.  Two ladies played for the Men’s team.  The seven matches were played in a competitive but friendly manner.  The result was 3½ to 3½ 

President Brenda and Captain Ann supported their team.  The match was followed by an excellent meal enjoyed in good company.

Vets 2nd team v Worcestershire & Hereford Vets 2nd team

Wednesday 19th April 2017             Lost 5 ½   - 2 ½

The match was held at Kings Norton Golf Club who were extremely welcoming. For those who know Kings Norton it has three, nine-hole loops. We played the Blue and Red Course. There were 16 players in the team and each match was played in a friendly but, competitive spirit. The result does not quite give the whole story as six of the eight matches went to the eighteenth hole. Well fought ladies.  

The Course was in excellent condition and, as was mentioned by a few of our players, the greens were a little difficult to read. As a Home Match for our opponents, they were able to field a number of players who were either members at Kings Norton or, who played there regularly. We were blessed with fine weather, even if there was a chilly wind.

My thanks go to all who played and to our President Brenda Parker and Captain Ann Tweddle, who were there for the whole of the day.

Christine Davies


Vets 1st team v County 2nd team

Wednesday 5th April 2017             Lost 4 - 0

The match was held at Perton Park Golf Club who made us very welcome.  There were 8 players per team with the Vets providing the eighth player for the second team.  Unfortunately, we lost 4 Nil but the result does not reflect the standard of play.  The matches were very close and played in a competitive but friendly manner. 

The weather was good with a strong north wind. This was our second match of the season as unfortunately our match against The Staffordshire Men was cancelled due to extremely wet conditions. President, Brenda Parker & Captain, Ann Tweddle watched the matches during the day.

It was an enjoyable day with a very substantial meal provided by the catering staff.

2017 AGM

The date of the 2017 AGM is Monday, 13th November at Brocton Hall Golf Club 11.00 am


Would members requiring new uniform for 2017 please contact Mrs Jenny Cordon as soon as possible especially if they need a jumper as these will have to be ordered in batches.

Her phone number is 01538 385033      

New Captain

We are pleased to welcome our incoming captain for 2016/17 Mrs Ann Tweddle and her Vice Captain Mrs Christine Davies. We wish them every success for the forthcoming season. Hopefully the Staffordshire Vets will have a fantastic year as they have done this year.

We also welcome to the committee Elaine Dorrington and Sally Sketcher.

Our thanks go to the retiring members of the committee,   Gina Foster, Sue Macmillan and Penny Speer, for all their hard work over the last three years.


A massive congratulations to the Staffordshire ladies on winning the team championships again. The team was made up of Sue Spencer, Sally Sketcher, Corinne Tooth and Caroline Corrigan.

They were first with a gross score of 477 with Northamptonshire coming second with 479.
Sue Spencer won the Best gross prize with 154.  A special mention should be made for her 1 under par 74 score on the last day - Fantastic.

Sue and Sally Sketcher also won the Monday Greensomes competition.

A full report is available to be read on


Congratulations to our first and second teams both of whom have won their respective Tri Counties cups against Warwickshire and Worcestershire.

The 3rd team also won their fixture against Northamptonshire at Penn Golf club.
A  great year for Staffordshire and we look forward to 2017.

Nan Webb

It is with sadness that we have to inform members of the death of Mrs Nan Webb on Tuesday 27th September. Nan was a member of Stone Golf Club and was for many years a keen golfer and valuable member of the Staffs Vets.
She was our President in 1998 and 1999. Her funeral will be on Wednesday 19th October at St Michael's Church, Stone at 11am

Championship - Walsall GC - 1st September 2016

Our final competition for 2016 was the Championship held at Walsall Golf Club on Monday 1st September. We were fortunate to have pleasant weather on this day and the course was in very good condition.

The winner of the Championship Trophy was Jayne Fletcher from Whittington Heath with 79 gross.

The Doreen Banks Salver was won by Olive Cole from Stone with 90 Gross.

The best nett prize was won by Janet Fleetwood from Oxley Park with 68 nett (back nine 34).

Silver Division

1st Sandra Redrup from Oxley Park with 71 nett

2nd Patricia Davies from Whittington Heath with 72 nett (back nine 36 1/2)

3rd Ann Partridge from Oxley Park with 72 nett (back nine 37)

Bronze Division

1st Pam Pritchard from Manor with 68 nett (back nine 38)

2nd Jane Myatt from Great Barr with 73 nett

3rd Jan Williams from Trentham with 74 nett

We would like to thank Walsall for allowing us to host this event at their club and also to the greenkeeper and his staff for presenting the course in such good order.

Thanks also to Penny Speer who provided invaluable help in the organisation of the event and the ladies for manning the halfway house providing drinks and cakes which were enjoyed by all of us.

County Vets Lady Captain's Day - 18th August 2016

County Vets Lady Captain’s Day was held at Whittington Heath GC on Thursday 18th August.

The weather was kind and it was a lovely warm sunny day with just a light breeze, perfect playing conditions.

A large field of 147 players enjoyed the course, which was in wonderful conditions with the greens playing beautifully. The halfway house, manned all day by Vannessa Humphries, was well received, particularly the homemade biscuits/shortbread made by Jean Hulme & Cynthnia Tipper. Jean had also provided flower arrangements, in County colours, for the clubhouse. Many players enjoyed the fare offered by Andy & his team all day.

The results are:

1st Glynis Byatt, Jan Williams and Gill Clarke (Trentham) with 88 points

2nd Bev Smith, Siobhan Hills (Sandwell Park) and Fiona Hingley (Enville) with 79 points

3rd Jenny Bulman, Jan Baker and Gilly Cooper (Brocton Hall) with 78 Points

Front 9 Mandy Ambert, Jackie Menon (Trentham) and Sue Sims (Whittington Heath) with 39 points (26 last 6)

Back 9 Diane Gillen, Rose Mycock and Jackie Menon (Stone) with 44 points.

Glynis said of their magnificent winning score that it was one of those days when everything went right for all 3 of them.

Thanks to Sue Simmons for organising the day and to everyone else who helped on the day. Also thanks to all those who sent me lovely cards with their best wishes. All in all it was a great success.

Second Team Match report: 25th August 2016 – Staffordshire  v Warwickshire

Our fifth and final match this season was hosted by Warwickshire at Maxstoke Park Golf Club, who made us very welcome. Warwickshire’s Captain, Jane Timberlake, organised the match extremely well and stayed to watch all the teams on the first tee.

One of our lower handicap players had successfully reduced her playing handicap to 13 and after the controversy last year was unable to play for the team.  Having already lost two further players this week, it was very good of members to step in at the last moment.

The weather, as predicted, sent a few showers, however it was pleasantly warm and the matches were played in a friendly but competitive manner. We won the match 4½ to 3½.  As we had won against Worcestershire in April, this result gives us the Cup. This is played amongst, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire (current holders)

In the friendly matches we won against Leicestershire and halved with Derbyshire. Thank you to all the ladies who have played in the Cup and friendly matches.  A very successful year.

County Vets 1st Team v Leicestershire - 22nd August 2016

County Vets 1st Team v Leicestershire held at Trentham Park GC on Monday 22nd August.

Another lovely day, warm & sunny with just a light breeze.

The Staffordshire team was missing some of the “big guns” but the rest of the squad were keen and eager to play.

Playing a scratch match the Staffordshire team had the advantage in handicaps in all the matches, and obviously played well to convert this advantage into wins. The final result being 7 ½ to ½. Well done to all the team and this shows the strength in depth of the Staffordshire squad.

This match rounds up a season  where the team has been unbeaten in all the inter county matches. The only slight blip has been the draw against Worcestershire. This means that the destination of the Tri County Cup rests on the result of the Warwickshire Worcestershire match.

My thanks to all the 46 ladies who have played for the team this season.

Staffordshire Vets 2nd  v Derbyshire

Our fourth match this season was hosted by Mickleover, who made us very welcome.

As we arrived the heavens opened but only until our first group went out for their match.  It was then dry with some sunny intervals.  The match was a draw and the two teams had enjoyed their afternoon. We were delighted to see Jenny Smale, our Captain, at the turn to support us.  It was much appreciated. 

Vets 1st team v Warwickshire

The Cup match v Warwickshire was held at Copt Heath on August 12th on a beautiful sunny day.

Having only drawn against Worcestershire, Staffordshire needed a good win to increase their chance of retaining the Cup they won last year.

Unfortunately one or two of the lower handicap players were unavailable but the same applied to Warwickshire. The matches were played in a friendly but competitive spirit.

The Staffordshire team played very well throughout the order. Warwickshire only managing to draw at 3 and win 1 up at 5. All the other matches were fairly comfortable wins to Staffordshire.

The final result being 6 ½ to 1 ½.  This means that the final destination of the Cup will rest with the result of the Worcestershire Warwickshire match in September.

Snelson Trophy 

The now annual match with the first team against the second team is a very enjoyable day and allows a number of the Vets County players of both teams to meet up and play. In the preceding years it has been a match play event with the 1st team winning handsomely. To make it a more friendly event we decided this year to make it a 4 ball better ball stableford, with the total team points deciding the winners. In a generous mood we agreed to have full handicap allowance rather than the correct 90%. The day was blustery with showers and Ingestre Park was playing its full length. The 2nd team managed to make full use of their handicap allowance and ran out winners by 361 points to 348. Congratulations to the 20 players in their team, who outpointed the 1st team in 7 of the 10 matches. All the players agreed that this format should be kept for next year, although Madam Captain did suggest that the 90 % will be used!

The day was rounded off with a very pleasant meal in the Clubhouse. My thanks to Ingestre Park for hosting this event again and for being so accommodating.

Vets 1st Team v Derbyshire

A great day on a very interesting and challenging course. Cavendish golf club certainly makes you think!

There was a warm welcome from the Derbyshire team, who were also very understanding as many Staffordshire players were caught up in traffic problems around Meir and were running late. I had again not played most of the top players to make the match more competitive and to give other ladies a chance to play in a County fixture.

Jayne Fletcher & Ann Fern narrowly lost at 1, Jenny Smale & Sue Simmons had a comfortable win at 2, matches 3, 4 & 5 were all square, so again the result depended on the last 3 matches and fortunately Gill Lawson & Bev Smith and Elaine Dorrington & Jayne Baxter both managed to win in very close matches to make the result 4 ½ to 3 ½.

The weather turned to rain before the match was finished but the roast carvery dinner warmed everyone up. All in all a very good day.

Vets 1st Team v Shropshire

We managed  a great 4½ to 3½  win having agreed with Shropshire not to play our top 6 players. The match was played at Whittington Heath and the course was in great condition. The matches were all competitive and the food was great which all added up to a super day which everyone enjoyed.

Nellie Wood Trophy

The Nellie Wood Trophy was played this year at Ingestre Park Golf Club on Monday 23rd May. The weather was very good and we we all enjoyed some lovely sunshine. The competition was oversubscribed and once again we had to ballot some ladies out.


The Nellie Wood Trophy was won by Deb Pursell (Trentham) with 37 points ( 20 points on the back 9)

The Vintage Salver was won by Glynis Byatt (Trentham) with 35 points.

Silver Division :-

1st  Caroline Corrigan (Ingestre Park) with 37 points (17 points on the back 9)

2nd  Sue Spencer (Whittington Heath) with  35 points (17 points back 9, 12 points on the back 6)

3rd  Teresa Booth (Westwood) with 35 points (17 points back 9, 11 points on the back 6)

4th. Glynis Byatt (Trentham) with 35 points (13 points on the Back 9)

Bronze Division:-

1st  Jeannie Bostock (Uttoxeter) with 32 points (16 points on the back 9)

2nd  Barbara Waite (Whittington Heath) with 32 points (15 points on the back 9)

3rd  Pat Ibbetson (Manor) with 32 points (12 points on the back 9)

4th  Pat Mumford (South Staffs) with 31 points (14 points on the back 9)

Our thanks go to Ingestre Park Golf Club for allowing us to host this event at their club and the greens staff for preparing the course in such good order. Thanks also to Sarah (Manager) and Brenda Parker (Vet's President) for all their invaluable help in the organisation of the day.


Staffordshire 3rd team V Northanptonshire 3rd team - 19th May 2016

After the great success of the first third team match last year played against Northamptonshire, Staffordshire Vets 3rd Team again played against Northamptonshire this time at Penn Golf Club on Thursday May 19th.

This year the weather was a lot kinder and the ladies only had a few holes which encountered rain. A number of ladies were playing their first ever Vets County match and it was a delight to see the excitement and pleasure on their faces.

The ladies integrated well, made new acquaintances and played some very competitive golf. Penn Golf Club made everyone extremely welcome and provided excellent food before and after the match. A great day was had by all.

The ladies who played were: Diana Jeynes, Lily Gant, Chris Hopkins, Pat Mumford, Gill Clarke, Penny Toal, Sue Whitworth, Jude Pearce, Di Horsley, Val Suarez, Sheila Harling, June Stonehouse, Lyn Toft, Vicky Plews, Brenda Yates and Sue Butler.

The result was Staffordshire 5 ½ to Northamptonshire 2 ½.

A big thank you to Jenny Cordon (Staffs) and Gina Evans (Northants) for arranging the fixture. Hopefully this fixture will take place again next year in Northamptonshire.

Midlands Vets Championship

The Staffordshire ladies excelled themselves at the Midlands Vets Championship featuring in the prizes as follows.

1st gross & champion - Debbie Warren - gross 72 nett 71

2nd gross & runner up - Caroline Corrigan gross 76 nett 71 (Back nine count back)

1st nett division 1 - Sally Sketcher  gross 76 nett 71

2nd nett division 1 - Corinne Tooth gross 81 nett 75

Well Done Ladies

Second Team V Leicestershire   Monday 16th May 2016

Leicestershire gave us a very warm welcome. The course was in excellent condition and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their game. At the 11th hole Staffordshire were all square in four matches, up in two and down in two, making the match all to play for over the remaining holes. Staffordshire eventually claimed the victory by 5 – 3. An excellent result.

Thanks must go to all of the players who had to change from playing on Friday the 13th May to Monday the 16th May, especially those who stepped in at the last minute.

Thanks also go to our President, Mrs Brenda Parker for being Captain for the day as our Vice Captain was away.

1st team v Worcestershire

The result from the 1st Team match v Worcestershire was a 4 all draw. With the result hinging on the last putt on the 18th green from the group out 8th,. Staffordshire managed to get a win to secure the draw.  It was a lovely sunny day and Handsworth GC was in great condition for the time of the year, and gave us a great welcome.

Second Team Match report: 18th April 2016  Worcestershire v Staffordshire

The first home match against Worcestershire was a cup match and hosted by Barlaston, who made us very welcome. The team picked itself on this occasion as there were only 18 ladies available.  We were down to 16, on the day, following injury and illness. We were delighted that the course was open as the previous week had been very wet and the course had been closed.  The day was dry and Staffordshire won    6 – 2.  The President and Captain of Worcestershire along with our President, Brenda Parker, followed the matches.

Staffs Vets v County 2nd team

Vets v County 2nd Team played at The Chase GC on 7th April 2016.

Conditions were not favourable after heavy overnight rain, and intermittent showers carried on throughout the match. However both teams set to and had a very enjoyable and competitive match. The format used was a better ball stableford with a team points total, to ensure a full 18 holes were played in each match. Debutants Debbie Warren and Ann Fern drew their match against Rachel Bishop & Anne Edwards at 1, as did Jenny Smale & Bridget Locke v Lynn Grey and Loren Birch at 2. Bev Hensley & Mandy Ambert scored a very credible 36 points but opponents Gina Wilke and Emily Brennen had an outstanding 40 points. Mary Robertson & Chris Davies played well but found Deb Loach and Torri Smith just a little too steady. Team totals 2nd team 145, Vets 136.

Scones, jam & cream were very welcome afterwards and made up for the miserable weather.

New President

We are pleased to announce that our new President is Mrs Brenda Parker (Ingestre Park G.C.)

We also welcome our new Captain Mrs Jenny Smale (Whittington Heath G.C. ) and Vice Captain Mrs Ann Tweddle (Uttoxeter G.C.)

I’m sure everyone wishes them all a happy and successful 2016 with lots of good golf.

Our thanks go to Mrs Jenny Cordon, our past Captain,  for a brilliant year and also our past President Mrs Lily Gant both of whom have been invaluable.


The team championships took place at Beau Desert Golf Club. This year there was a record entry of 16 teams, with 6 counties entering 2 teams.

It was a bright crisp, sunny morning on the first day. Beau Desert had provided a lot of helpers and this proved most useful as many players were held up en route due to a major accident and much reorganising had to be done. There were some good scores returned and everyone got to see the course.

On Day 2 the weather again was beautiful, but quite cold. The greens were proving difficult for most players but again there were some good scores returned and the leading county were Northants by 2 shots from Notts, with Caron Harrison from Notts taking the individual lead followed closely by Sue Spencer, Mary McLaren and Karen Lobb on 79.

Last day and all to play for with the weather sunny and bright again. Most players were hoping for better putting. The greens were very difficult with tricky borrows. At least Day 2 was reduction only, much to the players delight. Some good scores were returned, with Sue Spencer taking best gross for the 2nd year running and Northants taking the overall title by 3 shots from Staffordshire. The best nett was won by Nottinghamshire with Warwickshire the runners up. Thank you to all who made the tournament a great success and particularly to Beau Desert and all the members and helpers

Final results

Staffs 1st team came second overall with 488 points being tipped to first place by Northants with 485 points.
Sally Sketcher, Sue Spencer, Corrine Tooth and Caroline Corrigan

Staffs second team came a creditable 10th out of 16 teams 
Sue Simmons, Jayne Fletcher, Bridget Locke and Jenny Cordon

Sue Spencer won best overall gross 
Sue Spencer won the longest drive on the first day
Sally Sketcher won the longest drive on the second day
Jayne Fletcher won nearest the pin on the second day
 Jayne Fletcher and Bridget Locke won the Greensomes competition held on the Monday.

Friendly Match v Vets Men

This was played at Whittington Golf Club on Monday 19th October. As for the last two years the competition was set as a 4 ball am am with two vets ladies playing with two gentleman seniors and the best lady score to count along with the best gentleman score to count. 18 ladies enjoyed the company of 18 fine gentleman played on a lovely course in very favourable weather conditions. All were treated to an excellent three course meal, very good liquid refreshment and amazing after dinner speeches.

1st place went to Jean Greenhalgh and Jayne Fletcher who played with Stuart Belcher and Andrew Dathan.

2nd Place went to Mary Robertson and Chris Allsop who played with Duncan Stott and Dave Gallimore.

President's Day

President's Day was held on Tuesday 16th June at Drayton Park Golf Club. The weather on this day was glorious and a lovely day was had by all. We had an excellent turnout with 132 ladies taking part - great support for our Lady President, Lily Gant.

Thanks go to Lily for a great day and the lovely refreshments at the halfway house - especially the wonderful homemade cakes!

The competition on the day was a Stableford 3 ball Alliance (3/4 H'cap) and the results are as follows:-

1st - Caroline Carryer, Sally Sketcher and Julie Wright (Trentham) with 75 points

2nd - Caroline Corrigan, Corinne Tooth and Bridget Locke (Ingestre Park) with 69 points (last 6 - 25 points)

3rd – Mo Turner, Ann Meadows and Nicky Whitton (Aston Wood) with 69 points (last 6 - 22 points)

4th - Di Gillen, Sheila Walker and Rose Mycock (Stone) with 67 points (back 9 - 37 points)

Nearest the Pin - Silver :- Sheila Evans (Beau Desert)

Nearest the Pin - Bronze:- Suzanne Rogers (South Staffs)

Longest Drive - Julie Wright (Trentham)

Lady Captain's Day

Lady Captain's Day was held on Wednesday August 19th at Leek Golf Club.

The weather on this day started off dry and sunny but by lunchtime it was already showing signs of rain which deteriorated very quickly into a very wet afternoon.

However, the day once again was enjoyed immensely by all competitors with another excellent entry of 153 ladies. Thanks again go to our Lady Captain, Jenny Cordon for a lovely day and an excellent halfway house with beautiful cakes and savoury nibbles, not forgetting the very welcome glass of Pimms!

 The competition was a Stableford 3 ball Alliance (full H'cap) and the results are as follows:-

1st - Gill Juggins, Jean Greenhalgh and Val Shaw (Westwood) with 85 points

2nd - Helen Gough, Suzanne Rogers and Denny Aston (South Staffs) with 83 points

3rd - Siobhan Hills, Bev Smith (Sandwell Park) and Fiona Hingley (Enville) with 82 points

Best Front 9 – Lynne Hawksworth, Barbara Cole and Maggie Freeman (Onneley) with 41 points (last 6 - 30 points)

Best Back 9 - Liz Maw, Caroline Carryer and Sue Macmillan (Trentham) with 42 points

Nearest the Pin (in 2) on the 5th - Ann Ward (Stafford Castle)

Nearest the Pin (in3) on the 18th - Helen Gough (South Staffs)

The Vet's Championship

The Vet's Championship was held at Brocton Hall Golf Club on Thursday 3rd September.

The weather on this day was dry and although fairly sunny it was quite chilly. We had 102 entries which was a good entry for the Championship.

Thanks to all the helpers on the day especially Hazel Stewart from Drayton Park

who helped on the desk all day and did a sterling job.

 The results are as follows:-

Championship Cup (Best Gross) - Mary Robertson (Brocton Hall) with 78 Gross (back 9 - 37 gross)

Doreen Bank's Salver best over age 70 gross) - Anna Bullock (Trentham) with 93 Gross

Best Overall Nett - Bridget Locke (Ingestre Park) with Nett 70

Silver Division

1st Nett - Mandy Ambert (Trentham) with 71 Nett

2nd Nett - Wendy Gitsham (Ingestre Park) with 72 Nett (back 9 - 35 nett)

3rd Nett - Ann Rees (Brocton Hall) with 72 Nett (back 9 - 37.5nett)

Bronze Division

 1st Nett - Chris Millard (Barlaston) with 71 Nett

2nd Nett - Judith Waterhouse (Whittington Heath) with 74 Nett

3rd Nett - Nan Heard (Stone) with 75 Nett

Vets News Update

The final matches  of the year have now been played ( with the exception of one friendly match).

The first team had a great win 7 – 1 against Warwickshire. This was played at Ingestre Park Golf Club.

This win meant that Staffordshire retain the Inter county trophy. A great achievement.

The final first team match was played against Leicestershire at Lingdale Golf Club,  a 4 all draw.

The second team finished the season with a match against Derbyshire at Sandwell Park Golf Club and a match against Warwickshire at Handsworth Golf Club.

The Derbyshire match was a win 4 ½ to 3 ½  and the Warwickshire match was a loss 3 ½ to 4 ½ .

In total 56 players played for the second team which is wonderful for county vets golf.

We now look forward to 2016.


Jenny Cordon - Lady Captain of Staffs Vets held her Lady Captains Day at Leek last Wednesday.

An amazing number of 158 ladies entered from 24 clubs throughout Staffordshire along with Lady President Lilly Gant. The day started early with Club Captain Mr Trevor Eccleston seeing the first ones off at 8.50 and he continued his role of starter throughout the day until the last ones teed off at 3.40pm.

A massive big thank you to Mr Captain. The day started with glorious sunshine and those playing early benefited as it began to rain really heavy from 4.00pm on wards. Jenny provided a well stocked half way house ably served by Carol Nixon, Lisa Davies,  Issy Robinson (who was a star), Marilyn Boulton, Claire Robinson and Karen Griffiths. Leek Golf Club Lady Captain Jayne Baxter helped on the desk with raffle tickets and meals along with Lady Vice Captain Pat Beeson and Janet Wood. Once again a MASSIVE thank you to those ladies. Over £300 was made on the raffle. Food was served throughout the day and we were very well looked after by the bar staff. Another massive big thank you to those ladies. Many thanks to Sue Simmons for all the pre competition provision.

The competition was teams of three, full handicap, stableford, two scores to count.

1st  Gill Juggins, Jean Greenhalgh and Val Shaw from Westwood golf Club 85 points

2nd  Denny Aston, Helen Gough and Suzanne Rogers from South Staffs Golf Club 83 points

3rd  Siobhan Hills Sandwell Park, Fiona Hingley Enville and Bev Smith Sandwell Park 81points

Best Back 9  Liz Maw, Caroline Carryer, Sue Macmillan Trentham Golf Club 42 points

Best Front 9  Barbara Cole, Maggie Freeman, Lynne Hawksworth Onneley Golf Club 41 points

Nearest the Pin in 2 on the 5th   Ann Ward Stafford Castle Golf Club

Nearest the pin in 3 on the 18th  Helen Gough South Staffs Golf Club  

2nd Team  v Derbyshire

The Vets second team played against Derbyshire on the Monday 10th August at Sandwell Park.

It was a really enjoyable day ( apart from a torrential downpour which lasted about 15 minutes).

The result was a win for Staffordshire 4 ½ to 3½. Thanks to everyone who played and especially to Peggy Meek who stood in as team Captain because Jenny Smale was unable to be there due to work commitments.

Thanks also to Sandwell Park for hosting us.

1st Team Results 2015

18th March Staffs Vets v Swindon Gents at Swindon GC Lost 2 1/2 - 5 1/2
23rd March Staffs Vets v Leek Gents at Leek GC Lost 4 1/2 - 5 1/2
17th April Staffs Vets v Stone Gents at Stone GC Lost 2 1/2 - 5 1/2
23rd April Staffs Vets v County 2nd Team at Penn GC Won 142 pts - 132 pts
20th May Staff Vets v Worcestershire at Droitwich GC Won 5 1/2 - 2 1/2
18th June Staff Vets v Derbyshire at Barlaston GC Drew 4 - 4
22nd June Staff Vets v Shropshire at Market Drayton GC Won 7 - 1
13th July Vets 1st team v Vets 2nd team (Snelson Trophy) at Ingestre Park GC Won 9-1

2nd Team Results 2015

20th April Staff Vets v Worcestrshire at Cleobury Mortimer GC Lost 3 - 5
15th May Staff Vets v Leicestershire at Trentham Park GC Lost 2 - 6
13th July Vets 1st team v Vets 2nd team (Snelson Trophy)at Ingestre Park GC Lost 1 -9

3rd Team Results 2015

18th May Staff Vets v Northamptonshire at Wellingborough GC Won 5 1/2 - 1 1/2


This competition was played at Oxley Park Golf Club on Monday 11th May.   The weather first thing was a little dull and drizzly but the sun soon brook through to give us all a pleasant days golf.  However, the course proved to be tough for most of us especially the tricky greens.

Result:   The Nellie Wood Trophy was won by Megan Hughes (South Staffs) with 38 points.

              The Vintage Salver was won by Jane Jones (Aston Wood) with 37 points.

Silver Division:

1st - Dee Power (Little Aston) with 35 points (19 points on the back 9)

2nd - Helen Barrett (South Staffs) with 35 points (18 points on the back 9)

3rd - Wendy Gitsham (Ingestre Park) with 35 points (16 points on the back 9)

4th - Liz Maw (Trentham) with 34 points

Bronze Division:

1st - Linda Nash (Brocton Hall) with 35 points (20 points on the back 9)

2nd - Pat Boak (Little Aston) with 35 points (16 points on the back 9)

3rd - Vicki Plews (Uttoxeter) with 34 points (21 points on the back 9)

4th - Mandy Poxon (Little Aston) with 34 points (16 points on the back 9)

Congratulations to all the winners.

Our thanks go to Oxley Park for allowing us to host this event at their club and the greens staff for preparing the course in such good order.   Thanks also to Janet Fleetwood (Lady Captain) and Sandra Redrup (Vet Rep) for all their help in the organisation of the day.


This competition was held at our Lady President's (Lily Gant) course Drayton Park on Tuesday 16th June.  The weather on this occasio was a scorcher and once againthe course proved to be tough for most of us with scores generally on the low side.


1st - Caroline Carryer, Sally Sketcher and Julie Wright (Trentham) with 75 points

2nd - Caroline Corrigan, Corinne Tooth and Bridget Locke (Ingestre Park) with 69 points (back 6 - 25 points)

3rd - Mo Turner, Ann Meadows and Nicky Whitton (Aston Wood) with 69 points (back 6 - 22 points)

4th - Di Gallen, Sheila Walker and Rose Mycock (Stone) with 67 points (back 9 - 37 points)

Silver nearest the pin: Sheila Evans (Beau Desert)

Bronze nearest he pint: Suzanne Rogers (South Staffs)

Longest Drive: Julie Wright (Trentham)  (Think a rocket launcher was used for this one!)

Congratulations to the winners.

Thanks go to Drayton Park for allowing us to hold this event at their club and also to the greens staff for the excellent condition of the course.   Our thanks to Lily for all her help in the organisation of the day and for the lovely prizes.   Many thanks also to Lily for providing the much appreciated refreshments at the halfway house, especially the lovely homemade cakes.

South Staffordshire Golf Club hosted our match against Shropshire on the 26th May. The course looked stunning in the glorious sunshine and the greens were running super fast. It was so nice to see so many old friends chatting on the patio and catching up before going out to play. Several games were incredibly tight, Di the Shropshire captain had found a new group of ladies to play this year, some of which were playing off lower handicaps than previous years. Everyone enjoyed the day: the challenge of the greens and to be able to play in summer clothes. The final result was a win to Shropshire 5-3. My thanks go to South Staffs for the a well presented course and to the catering staff who provided us with a lovely meal afterwards.

Kind Regards

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